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Business Services. Establishments providing support services to professional offices <br />and industry, typically limited to graphic arts, graphic reproduction and delivery ser- <br />vices, and including such services as drafting, typesetting, printing, copying and dupli- <br />cating, and mail receipt, but excluding parcel processing centers and professional ser- <br />vices, such as accounting and personnel management. <br /> <br />Cafés. Retail uses that primarily provide beverages and/or desserts for either on- or off- <br />site consumption, including, but not limited to coffee and tea-houses, juice bars, donut <br />shops and ice cream/frozen yogurt parlors. <br /> <br />Canopy. A permanent roof-like shelter extending from part or all of a building face and <br />constructed of some durable material, which may or may not project over a public right- <br />of-way. <br /> <br />Card Room. A space, room or enclosure, furnished or equipped with one (1) or more <br />tables used for the playing of cards or similar games, the use of which is available to the <br />public or any portion of the public. <br /> <br />Caretaker’s Quarters. A dwelling unit on the site of, and accessory to, a commercial, <br />industrial, public, or semipublic use, occupied by a guard or caretaker. <br /> <br />Catering Services. Preparation and delivery of food and beverages for off-site con- <br />sumption without provision for on-site pickup or consumption. (See also “Restaurants”.) <br /> <br />Cellar. See “Basement.” <br /> <br />Cemeteries. Establishments where the remains of the dead may be kept indefinitely, <br />whether underground or aboveground. This classification includes mausoleums and <br />columbaria. <br /> <br />Cessation of Use. The discontinuance or abandonment of a use, as determined by the <br />Zoning Enforcement Official. <br /> <br />Check-Cashing Business. See “Financial Institutions, Check Cashing and Personal Loan <br />Services.” <br /> <br />Christmas Tree and Pumpkin Sales. Outdoor retail sales of Christmas trees between <br />Thanksgiving week and December 26, and pumpkins during the month of October. <br />Circuses and Carnivals. Provision of games, eating and drinking facilities, live enter- <br />tainment, animal exhibitions, or similar activities in a tent or other temporary structure <br />for a maximum of seven (7) days. This classification excludes events conducted in a <br />permanent entertainment facility. <br /> <br />City. The City of San Leandro. <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 10 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated