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facility is caring for two (2) additional school age children at the time there may be up to <br />thirteen (13) or fourteen (14) children in the home at one (1) time; d) The licensee ob- <br />tains written consent of the property owner when the family day care home is operated <br />on the property that is leased or rented. These limits are inclusive of children under the <br />age of ten (10) years who reside at the home. <br /> <br />Day Care, Limited. Non-medical care and supervision of persons, in the provider’s own <br />home, on a less than twenty-four (24) hour basis. This classification is exclusive to <br />those facilities licensed by the State of California, and includes nursery schools, pre- <br />schools, and day-care centers for children or adults. These are small-scale operations, <br />intended to provide service for a limited number of persons in a residential setting, as <br />prescribed by the State of California. Such limits are as follows, or as prescribed by <br />changes to State code subsequent to August 15, 2001: <br /> <br />A. Adult care is limited to SIX (6) individuals. <br /> <br />B. Child care (“small family day care home”—H&SC 1596.78(c)) is limited to SIX (6) <br />children, and up to eight (8) children, without an additional adult attendant, if all the <br />following conditions are met (H&SC 1596.44): a) at least two (2) of the children are <br />at least six (6) years of age; b) No more than two (2) infants are cared for during <br />any time when more than six (6) children are being cared for; c) The licensee noti- <br />fies each parent that the facility is caring for two (2) additional school-age children <br />at the time there may be up to seven (7) or eight (8) children in the home at one <br />time; d) The licensee obtains written consent of the property owner when the family <br />day care home is operated on the property that is leased or rented. These limits are <br />inclusive of children under the age of ten (10) years who reside at the home. <br /> <br />This classification excludes larger facilities that conform to the definitions for the “Day <br />Care, Large Family” and “Day Care, General” use classifications. <br /> <br />Daylight Plane. An inclined plane, beginning at grade or a stated height above grade at <br />a side or rear property line, and extending into the site at a stated upward angle to the <br />horizontal, which may limit the height or horizontal extent of structures at any specific <br />point on the site where the daylight plane is more restrictive than the height limit appli- <br />cable at such point on the site. Please refer to the Daylight Plane illustration below. <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 15 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated