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tion of the enumerated sexual activities or anatomical areas. See Pringle v. City of Cor- <br />vina, 115 Cal.App.3d 151 (1981). <br /> <br />Domestic Violence Safe House. A single housekeeping unit that exclusively houses <br />survivors of domestic abuse and their children. The adult house members are to be <br />within a program that counteracts the impacts of domestic violence and may receives <br />federal, state or City funding. House members agree to a program that maintains strict <br />confidentiality of the safe houses’ location, with unpublished phone and address num- <br />bers, a prohibition on mail deliveries, and limitations or prohibition of visits from friends <br />or family. <br /> <br />Drive-up Facility. Service of food, goods or services from a building to persons in <br />vehicles. <br /> <br />Drugstore. Establishments which have the primary use devoted to the sale of miscella- <br />neous household items, including hair products, various toiletries, food items, house- <br />keeping supplies, stationery supplies, etc. and which include the sale of prescription and <br />non-prescription drugs as an accessory use. <br /> <br />Dwelling, Duplex. A building containing two (2) dwelling units. <br /> <br />Dwelling, Multi-Family. A building containing three (3) or more dwelling units. <br /> <br />Dwelling, Secondary Unit. See “Secondary Dwelling Unit.” <br /> <br />Dwelling, Single-Family. A building containing one (1) dwelling unit <br /> <br />Dwelling Unit. One (1) room, or a series of rooms, that are interconnected via habitable <br />interior spaces, that provides not more than one (1) kitchen and one (1) or more bath- <br />rooms, and is intended for occupancy by a single housekeeping unit. An individual <br />dwelling unit is characterized by a single main pedestrian entry, with all other points of <br />entry being visually subordinate, and an interior stairway provided between all sto- <br />ries. <br /> <br />Electronic Cigarette-Related Products. Any electronic device that can provide an <br />inhalable dose of nicotine by delivering a vaporized solution, as defined by Cali- <br />fornia Health and Safety Code Section 119405(b), or any electronic device de- <br />signed to vaporize a liquid solution that releases flavored vapor and the use or <br />inhalation of such device simulates smoking. This definition shall include any <br />substance containing nicotine or a flavored liquid solution for vaporization <br />through an electronic cigarette, including any product or formulation of matter <br />containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, sold, of- <br />fered for sale, or otherwise distributed with the expectation that the product or <br />matter will be introduced into the human body, but does not include any cessa- <br />tion product specifically approved by the United States Food and Drug Admin- <br />istration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence. <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 17 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated