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Family. A person or a group of persons living together and maintaining a common <br />household. (See “Single Housekeeping Unit”.) <br /> <br />Farmers’ Market. The outdoor sale of products, including but not limited to fresh fruits, <br />nuts, vegetables, baked goods, meats and seasonal decorative items such as flowers <br />and Christmas wreaths made from natural materials grown by the vendor, with sales <br />taking place between the consumer and the farmer at tables, booths or similar tempo- <br />rary stands. <br /> <br />Fast Food Establishments, Large Scale. Establishments that primarily offer quick, <br />take-out food service, with a menu of items that are either already prepared and held for <br />service, or can be assembled, prepared, fried, or griddled quickly. This classification dif- <br />fers from “Restaurants, Full-Service” in that, generally, orders are not taken at the cus- <br />tomer’s table; food is served in disposable wrapping or containers with disposable uten- <br />sils; and limited or no table service is provided. Seating, if provided, typically consists of <br />fixed chairs or benches. This classification excludes coffee and tea-houses, ice <br />cream/frozen yogurt parlors and other food/beverage retailers within the “Cafés” classi- <br />fication. This classification applies to establishments with two thousand (2,000) square <br />feet or more in gross floor area, and greater than one thousand (1,000) square feet of <br />public dining area. Also see “Fast Food Establishments, Small Scale.” <br /> <br />Fast Food Establishments, Small Scale. Establishments conforming to the “Fast <br />Food Establishments, Large Scale” classification, but with less than two thousand <br />(2,000) square feet in gross floor area, or less than one thousand (1,000) square feet of <br />public dining area. <br /> <br />Fence. An artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of mate- <br />rials erected to enclose or screen areas of land. <br /> <br />Financial Institutions, Check Cashing and Personal Loan Services. Businesses <br />whose primary purpose is to provide limited financial services to individuals, such as <br />check cashing, deferred deposit loans and loans on vehicle titles. This includes, but is <br />not limited to, check cashers, payday advance businesses and other businesses regu- <br />lated by the State of California’s Check Casher Permit Program, per the California Civil <br />Code, Section 1789. A financial institution, check cashing, or personal loan services <br />use in conjunction with another use will be considered accessory to the use if said use <br />is not advertised outside the business premises or by signs visible from the outside of <br />the building. <br /> <br />Financial Institutions, Retail. Financial institutions that provide retail banking services <br />to individuals and businesses. These institutions include banks, savings and loans, <br />credit unions, security brokers and real property lending institutions. It does not include <br />check cashing or payday advance (see “Financial Institutions, Check Cashing, and Per- <br />sonal Loan Services”). <br /> <br />First Story. See “Story, First.” <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 19 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated