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File Number: 14-211 <br />the mobile ice cream vendor or any employees have been convicted of any crime, <br />including a violation of any municipal ordinance, the nature of the offense , and the <br />punishment or penalty imposed; and <br />(3)No mobile ice cream vendor shall dispense any item from an ice cream truck <br />parked or stopped within five hundred (500) feet of the property line of a primary or <br />secondary school anytime during school hours, one-half (1/2) hour prior to the start of <br />the school day and one-half (1/2) hour after the end of the school day. <br />(4)A Mobile Food Vending Permit may be denied or revoked if the mobile ice cream <br />vendor or any employees have been convicted of any offense involving conduct which <br />requires registration pursuant to Section 290 of the California Penal Code (the <br />California Sex Offender Registration Act ) or convicted of an offense outside the State of <br />California that would have required registration pursuant to the California Sex Offender <br />Registration Act if committed within the State of California . <br />4-34-550 Inspections <br />(a)Mobile food vendors and their respective employees shall provide licensing and inspection <br />agencies with a copy of a valid San Leandro Mobile Food Vending permit /business license <br />and Alameda County Environmental Health Department permit upon request . Mobile food <br />vendors shall allow representatives of the City to enter and inspect their mobile food vending <br />units any time the mobile food vending unit is operating within the City for the purpose of <br />verifying compliance with this Code. <br />4-34-600 Suspension, Revocation, Appeals and Procedure <br />(a)Any Mobile Food Vending Permit may be suspended by the City Manager , or his or her <br />designee, for any of the following reasons: <br />(1)False or misleading information supplied by the mobile food vendor upon which the <br />Mobile Food Vending Permit was issued . <br />(2)A finding that the issuance of the Mobile Food Vending Permit or continued <br />operation under the Mobile Food Vending Permit presents a threat to public health or <br />safety. <br />(b) The process and procedures for revocation of Mobile Food Vending Permits issued <br />pursuant to this Chapter, and appeals of Mobile Food Vending Permits that are revoked , shall <br />follow the same procedures as set forth in Article 4 of Chapter 2-2 of this Code. <br />4-34-650 Violation and Enforcement <br />(a)Removal and Relocation. The City Manager, or his or her designee, may order the removal <br />or relocation of a mobile food vending unit on public property, private property or rights-of-way <br />whenever it appears that the activities are having an adverse impact on the use of the <br />property, neighboring properties or roadways, including blocking the view of a business <br />frontage or main entrance to the business from a roadway, traffic, circulation, parking <br />availability, noise, trash, or other reasons related to public health or safety. <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014