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File Number: 14-210 <br /> The Finance Director shall deny the permit if he finds : <br /> (a) That any information contained in or submitted with the application is not true; or <br /> (b) That the activity as proposed by the applicant would not comply with any provision of <br />this Chapter or any other ordinance or regulation of the City of San Leandro or any statute or <br />regulation of the State of California or of the United States; or <br /> (c) That the applicant has been convicted of any of the following offenses or convicted of <br />an offense outside the State of California that would have constituted any of the following <br />offenses if committed within the State of California : <br /> (1) An offense involving the use of force or violence upon the person of another that <br />amounts to a felony; <br /> (2) Burglary (P.C. § 459); <br /> (3) Robbery (P.C. § 211); <br /> (4) Fraud, misrepresentation (P.C. §§ 351, 531, 532); or <br /> (d) That, for any other reason, the activity as proposed would be detrimental to the public <br />peace, health, morals or welfare. <br /> <br />4-5-225 ISSUANCE OR DENIAL OF PERMIT. <br /> The Finance Director shall , within twenty (20) days after receipt of an application complying <br />with the provisions of this Chapter, issue a permit or deliver to the applicant, personally or by <br />mail, written notice of denial of the permit, setting forth the reason or reasons therefor, in <br />accordance with the provisions of Section 4-5-220. If the permit is issued, the permit shall <br />contain the signature of the issuing officer and shall show the name and address of the <br />issuing officer and shall show the name and address of the permittee , the class of permit <br />issued, the kind of goods to be sold thereunder, the date of issuance, and the length of time <br />(not to exceed one year) the same shall be operative as well as the license number and other <br />identifying description of any vehicle, if any, used in such business. The Finance Director shall <br />keep a permanent record of all permits issued. Permits shall be renewed annually upon <br />payment of the renewal fee and business license fee. If the permit is for peddling at the <br />Shoreline Recreation Area , the permit shall indicate the area or areas where the permittee <br />may peddle. <br /> <br />4-5-230 BADGES. <br /> The Finance Director shall issue to each permitee at the time of delivery of his permit such <br />identification badges as deemed necessary by the Finance Director. Badges (peddlers and <br />solicitors only) shall be carried and shall be exhibited to any police officer or other authorized <br />city official on demand and to any person upon whom such peddler or solicitor shall call . <br /> <br />4-5-235 TRANSFER. <br /> No identification badge issued under the provisions of this Chapter shall be used or worn at <br />any time by any person other than the one to whom it was issued. <br /> <br />4-5-240 REVOCATION OF PERMIT. <br /> The Finance Director shall revoke a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter <br />if: <br /> (a) He subsequently determines that facts exist which, under the provisions of Section <br />4-5-220 would have required denial of the permit at the time of application; or <br /> (b) Subsequent occurrences create a situation which, under the provisions of Section <br />4-5-220 would have required denial of the permit had the situation existed at the time of <br />application; or <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014