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File Number: 14-210 <br /> (c) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement is contained in the application; or <br /> (d) Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statement was made in the course of carrying on the <br />business of peddler, solicitor or itinerant merchant; or <br /> (e) Any violation of this Chapter or of the terms and conditions of the permit; or <br /> (f) Conducting business in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a <br />breach of the peace or constitute a threat to the health, safety or general welfare of the public. <br /> <br />4-5-245 HEARING. <br /> Notice of the hearing before the Finance Director for revocation of a permit shall be given in <br />writing, setting forth specifically the basis for revocation and the time and place of hearing. <br />Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the permittee at his last known address at <br />least five (5) days prior to the date set for hearing. <br /> <br />4-5-250 APPEAL. <br /> Any person who has been denied a permit pursuant to Section 4-5-225, or has had his or <br />her permit revoked pursuant to Section 4-5-240, may appeal that decision to the City <br />Manager. <br /> <br />4-5-255 LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES-PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE. <br /> (a) If a permit is for peddling from a conveyance located from the public right-of-way, it <br />shall not be issued until the applicant provides evidence to the satisfaction of the Finance <br />Director of public liability and property damage insurance in such form and amount as may be <br />required by the Finance Director to protect the City, its officials, directors, officers, employees <br />and agents from claims which may arise from permittee’s activities under the permit . Such <br />insurance shall be maintained during the term of the permit. <br /> (b) Permittee shall be responsible for all liability for personal injury or property damage <br />which may result from permittee’s activities under the permit , or proximately caused by failure <br />on permittee’s part to perform his obligations under said permit . If any claim or such liability is <br />made against the City, its officers, or employees, permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold <br />them and each of them, harmless from such claim including any claim based on the active or <br />passive negligence of the City, its officers or employees , insofar as permitted by law. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 3. EXEMPTIONS <br />4-5-300 REGULAR CONTACT. <br /> Persons regularly calling on persons, firms or corporations shall be exempt from the <br />provisions of this Chapter. <br /> <br />4-5-305 SHORELINE RECREATION AREA (MARINA) <br /> No person engaged in the business of peddler, or itinerant merchant shall conduct <br />business on public or private property within the Shoreline Recreation Area . also known as <br />the San Leandro Marina., unless such person has a permit issued pursuant to this <br />Chapter which specifically authorizes the peddler or itinerant merchant in the Shoreline <br />Recreation Area or any part thereof. The only permit that may be issued for the <br />business of peddler, within the San Leandro Marina is one limited to the business of ice <br />cream peddler. Solicitation is prohibited in the Shoreline Recreation Area. <br /> <br />4-5-310 NEWSPAPERS. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014