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File Number: 14-186 <br />The project has made provisions to absorb some of the BART patrons’ overflow parking <br />spaces on Martinez Street onto the proposed project’s parking facilities . Westlake submitted <br />a preliminary plan and estimate of work within the public right-of-way. The City drafted an <br />agreement for the work shown on the plans, setting forth the responsibilities of each party with <br />respect to the work, such as the requirement that Chang obtain an improvement surety bond <br />for the value of the work to ensure its completion. The proposed public improvements are in <br />line with the City’s vision for the East Bay Greenway project in the TOD , of which this partial <br />segment will be fully funded by the developer. <br />The street vacations are conditioned such that the City Clerk can accept dedications for the <br />vacated streets for public right-of-way if the improvements related to the street vacations are <br />not initiated within twenty-four (24) months of this action. To implement the said condition , <br />Chang has deposited an executed dedication with the City, which will be kept in the custody of <br />the City Clerk pending compliance. Upon compliance, the Dedication document will be <br />returned to the developer. If the developer fails to comply, the City Clerk will file the <br />Dedication with the County, reestablishing the streets as public right-of-way. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy 6.01; Downtown Plan: In accordance with the adopted Downtown Plan and Urban <br />Design Guidelines and the Downtown San Leandro Transit -Oriented Development <br />Strategy, ensure that new Downtown Development is attractive and creates an image <br />conducive to revitalization <br />·Policy 6.05; Pedestrian-Friendly Environment: Provide public and private improvements <br />that create a safe, friendly, and pleasurable environment for pedestrians in Downtown <br />·Policy 6.09; Business Partnership: Support public and private efforts to enhance and <br />market Downtown San Leandro, encourage partnerships between the City, <br />Redevelopment Agency , the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Association, and <br />private entities (such as property owners, tenants, developers, etc.) <br />·Policy 6.10; BART Area Revitalization: Foster the development of the BART Station area <br />as a mixed use “transit village,” with a full complement of office , high-density residential, <br />and retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, open space, BART parking, and other transit <br />facilities (possibly including a Capitol Corridor rail station) <br />Environmental Review <br />As indicated in the General Plan Conformance Finding, the property disposition was covered <br />in the Initial Study and Mitigated Declaration for the proposed development project. The <br />street vacations are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because <br />the associated Mitigated Negative Declaration has not demonstrated potential for a significant <br />effect on the environment . <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />On February 20, 2014, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved the project. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014