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8L Consent 2014 0616
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2014 0616
8L Consent 2014 0616
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6/30/2014 10:03:40 AM
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6/11/2014 10:53:34 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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7 <br />(4) At the completion ofany work described in this paragraph, <br />Tenant must furnish to Landlord one reproducible “as built” drawing of all alterations, <br />additions or improvements made in the Premises. <br />(5) Tenant will post appropriate notices to protect Landlord to <br />avoid any liability for liens or other obligations connected with the alteration or <br />improvement. Tenant will at all times post such notices and will ensure that such <br />notices remain posted until the completion and acceptance of such work. <br />B. All capital improvements or any other alterations, additions, or <br />improvements permanently affixed to the Premises shall immediately upon <br />construction become part of the realty, shall be owned by Landlord and shall, at the <br />end of the term hereof, remain on the Premises withoutcompensation to Tenant. <br />C. In addition to any other remedy available to the Landlord, the <br />Landlordmay require Tenant to remove, at Tenant’s expense, any or all alterations, <br />additions or improvementsunder the provisions of this paragraph; and Landlordmay <br />require Tenant to repair in good workmanlike fashion any damage occasioned <br />thereby at Tenant’s expense. <br />D. At the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall leave the <br />Premises free and clear of all debris, except any equipment and furniture that <br />belongs to the Landlord,and in as good condition as when leased and subsequently <br />improved, excepting reasonable wear and tear. Tenant shall repair any damage to <br />the Premises for which Tenant is liable under this Lease. If Tenant fails to remove <br />any improvements, equipment, furniture or trade fixture when requested to do so by <br />Landlordor fails to leave the property in the condition required herein, Landlordwill <br />remove such items and correct such conditions at Tenant’s expense. <br />E. All alterations and improvements that may be required by the <br />Tenant forthe uses described in Section 5, Use of Premises, shall be done by the <br />Tenant at its sole cost and expense, and shall comply with all planning, building, <br />electrical, health, fire and safety codes of the Cityof San Leandro. <br />F. Prior to undertaking any such improvements, all plans and <br />specifications for such alterations and improvements shall be submitted by Tenant to <br />Landlord in writing and be reasonably approved or rejected by Landlord in writing <br />within forty-five (45) days of such submission. <br />G. Landlord reserves the right at any time to make alterations, <br />additions, deletions or improvements to the Building’s Systems, provided that any <br />such alterations or additions shall not materially affect the functional utilization of the <br />Premises for the uses permitted hereunder, and provided that Landlord gives Tenant <br />ten(10) days prior written notice of such non-emergency work. <br />10.Repairs and Maintenance
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