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8 <br />A.Repairs:Landlordshall be responsible for making anyand all repairs <br />and maintenance of and to the Premises, at its sole cost and expense, including <br />without limitation, the structure of the building, the foundations, bearing and exterior <br />walls, windows, and the roof. Tenant shall be responsible for making any and all <br />repairs and maintenance to the floors, any interior plumbing required to connect <br />Tenant’s fixtures and any electrical (wiring, fixtures and equipment) and Tenant shall <br />maintain the Premises in good repair and working order and in a clean, secure, safe <br />and sanitary condition. Tenant shall also be responsible for and pay for any damage <br />to the Premises or the Property,caused by any act or omission of Tenant or <br />Tenant’s agents, invitees or any other third party, except for damage caused by <br />Landlordor its agents.Tenant shall promptly make all repairs and replacements: <br />(a)at its sole expense, (b) by licensed contractors or qualified mechanics approved <br />by Landlord, (c) so that the same shall be at least equal in quality, value and utility to <br />the original work or installation, (d) in a manner and using equipment and materials <br />that will not interfere with or impair the operations, use or occupation of the <br />Premises or the building systems, and (e) in accordance with any applicable <br />Landlordrules and regulations and all applicable federal, State, and local laws, rules <br />and regulations.Prior to undertaking any such repairs and maintenance, all plans <br />and specifications for such repairs and maintenance shall be submitted by Tenant to <br />Landlord in writing and be reasonably approved or rejected by Landlord in writing <br />within forty-five (45) days of such submission. <br />B.ACCESS BY LANDLORD: Landlord shall have 24/7 access to Tenant’s <br />space for the purpose of HVAC maintenance and operations; Tenant acknowledges <br />that the HVAC maintenance room is located within Tenant’s Leased Premises. City <br />maintenance staff shall announce themselves to District staff upon entering the <br />Leased Premises, and shall not be denied reasonable admittance for the purpose of <br />diagnosing, maintaining and replacing City Hall HVAC equipment located within the <br />Leased Premises. <br />C.HOLDING LANDLORD HARMLESS:Tenant shall promptly pay for all <br />labor and materials used on or in the Premises to design, construct, install, or <br />otherwise complete Tenant’s alterations, repairs, maintenance, or improvements <br />during the Term of this Lease and shall indemnify and hold Landlord, its officers, <br />employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors free and harmless from all <br />claims of whatsoever nature, whether liensof mechanics or others, or claims to <br />include but not limited to claims under the Worker’s Compensation Insurance Act of <br />the State of California in relation thereto arising out of the design, construction, <br />installation, or other activity connected with Tenant’s alteration, repair, maintenance <br />or improvement to the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for and shall pay <br />prevailing wages in accordance with the California Labor Code for all labor used to <br />improve, alter, reconstruct, or demolish the Premises, to the extent the payment of <br />prevailing wages is applicable to such work. <br />11.DESTRUCTION OF DEMISED PREMISES: