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y a• <br /> ,I. <br /> EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Downtown Revitalization Consultants: Outline Of Consulting Services And <br /> Responsibilities Regarding The Formation Of A Downtown San Leandro <br /> Business Improvement District <br /> 1) Assist with the establishment of an Ad Hoc BID Formation Committee <br /> 2) Carry out orientation sessions with Formation Committee regarding the BID <br /> concept as well as the overall formation process. <br /> 3) Meet with key personnel with regard to connection to formation procedures, <br /> i.e., City Staff, City Council, Chamber of Commerce, (if applicable), local <br /> business leaders, local media reps., etc. <br /> 4) Work with Formation Committee to establish District boundaries, and zones of <br /> benefit, that are logical, natural and that illustrate benefit potential. <br /> 5) Work with Formation Committee and City to develop current listing of all <br /> businesses existing within recommended boundaries. <br /> (Often the City business license listing is an excellent beginning). <br /> 6) Develop suggested assessment formula using matrix format indicating zones of <br /> benefit and business-type benefit. <br /> 7) Develop draft annual operating budget projected from list of currently existing <br /> businesses combined with assessment matrix. <br /> 8) Assist with creation of a downtown San Leandro Economic Development <br /> program(s) based on input from Establishment Committee as well as from general <br /> BID membership. <br /> 9) Develop benefit rational re: zones of benefit, location of businesses within <br /> District and types and sizes of businesses within District. <br /> 10) Create a public relations campaign through the use of a comprehensive <br /> information package explaining benefits and virtues of SB 1424 District <br /> formation. <br /> 11) Plan, promote and facilitate a series of public information workshops as <br /> means of further developing public relations effort. <br />