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Page 1of 3 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANUDM <br />DATE:June 17, 2014 <br />TO:Chris Zapata, City Manager <br />FROM:Justin Proffitt, Development Specialist II <br />CC:Cynthia Battenberg, Community DevelopmentDirector <br />Jeff Kay, Business Development Manager <br />SUBJECT:2014 Visual Art Initiatives Summary <br />________________________________________________________________________ <br />The Arts and Culture Town Hall meeting on November 16, 2013 featured an interactive <br />discussion regarding public art opportunities and provided direction on the development of <br />the City’s arts and culture programs.For the past six months, Community Development <br />staff in coordination with Engineering and Transportation staff, hasbeen actively working <br />on numerous public art projects, often relying on partnerships to leverage funding from a <br />variety of sources. Following is a summary of visual art initiatives currently in development. <br />“The Pulse of Nature” -Preferred Freezer Mural.Now completed, this 60 foot by 350 <br />foot mural offers the opportunity to reflect on San Leandro's rich history, as well as <br />celebrate the prosperity and the success of the city today. Themural design wascreated <br />with a themeof environmental awareness, using environmentally safe non-toxic paints. <br />With excellent visibility from the BART line, this artwork provides a striking point of interest <br />for passengers traveling through San Leandro. <br />Raymond Loewy Tiles at Kaiser Medical Center& The Village. <br />The former Albertsons distribution center, located at the current site <br />of the new Kaiser Medical Center, featured a decorative tilewall <br />designed by Raymond Loewy, who is known as the “father of <br />industrial design.” Kaiser plans to use the tiles on landscape art <br />structures throughout the large parking lot to soften the parking lot’s <br />expanseand highlight the history of the site. The Village downtown <br />retail center, currently under construction on the site of the first <br />Lucky Grocery store, will be using the tilesin the proposed public <br />plaza along East 14th Street. These new development projects <br />honor the past by using Loewy’stilesin landscape featuresand <br />public spaces on the properties.