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June 2, 2014 Page 1of 2 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Background and General Information on the Creation of an <br />Arts andCulture Commission <br />Background: <br />At the direction of the Mayor and City Council the City of San Leandro hosted an <br />Arts and Culture Town Hall on November 16th 2013. Members of the public <br />participated in this interactive meeting that commenced with an overview of <br />cultural amenities that currently exist in San Leandro. An interactive group <br />discussion was facilitated to prioritize ideas for advancing artistic and cultural life <br />in San Leandro. <br />High Level of Interest: <br />Develop an art clearinghouseor committee/commission to promote local events <br />Promote a local art or film festival <br />Expand food trucks to include music, dance, or the performing arts, etc. <br />Provide a dedicated revenue stream for public art <br />Moderate Level of Interest: <br />Harness open studio spaces in the industrial areas <br />Promote East 14th Street as an art corridor or “gourmet alley” <br />Authorize changes to development code and fee structures to promote art <br />Convert vacant retail spaces into art or music studios <br />Lower Levels of Interest: <br />“Activating” the Bay front <br />Provide community members with a reason to “stay home” <br />Workwith other public agencies to promote art <br />Utilize social media and traditional media to promote art and culture <br />Harness Arts sections of local media <br />Recognition of Youth-involved activities <br />Infuse art into public infrastructure such as park benches, bike racks, bus <br />benches <br />Expand the beautification and aesthetic appeal of bike lanes <br />Promote temporary art displays such as chalk art <br />Survey: <br />City Commission Title <br />AlamedaPublic Arts Commission <br />BeniciaArts and Culture Commission <br />BerkeleyCivic Arts Commission <br />DublinHeritage and Cultural Arts Commission <br />EmeryvillePublic Arts Committee <br />LivermoreCommission for the Arts <br />OaklandCultural Affairs Commission <br />RichmondArts and Culture Commission