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File Number: 14-285 <br />irrevocable offer of dedication. Upon compliance to the City’s satisfaction, the City will record <br />a document vacating the developer’s irrevocable offer. If the developer fails to comply, the <br />City Clerk will record an acceptance of the irrevocable offer, reestablishing the streets as <br />public right-of-way. <br />Previous Actions <br />·On June 16, 2014, the City Council passed Resolution No. 2014-059 to authorize the City <br />Manager to execute an Improvement Agreement with Chang Income Property Partners, <br />LP for Public Improvements on Martinez Street. <br />·On June 16, 2014, the City Council passed Resolution of Intention No. 2014-060 to vacate <br />portions of Martinez Street between West Estudillo Avenue and Thornton Street, and West <br />Estudillo Avenue between Martinez Street and Alvarado Street. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy 6.01; Downtown Plan: In accordance with the adopted Downtown Plan and Urban <br />Design Guidelines and the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development <br />Strategy, ensure that new Downtown Development is attractive and creates an image <br />conducive to revitalization <br />·Policy 6.05; Pedestrian-Friendly Environment: Provide public and private improvements <br />that create a safe, friendly, and pleasurable environment for pedestrians in Downtown <br />·Policy 6.09; Business Partnership: Support public and private efforts to enhance and <br />market Downtown San Leandro, encourage partnerships between the City, <br />Redevelopment Agency, the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Association, and <br />private entities (such as property owners, tenants, developers, etc.) <br />·Policy 6.10; BART Area Revitalization: Foster the development of the BART Station area <br />as a mixed use “transit village,” with a full complement of office, high-density residential, <br />and retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, open space, BART parking, and other transit <br />facilities (possibly including a Capitol Corridor rail station) <br />Environmental Review <br />As indicated in the General Plan Conformance Finding, the property disposition was covered <br />in the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed development project. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />The Planning Commission at its meeting of February 20, 2014, found the proposed vacation <br />to be in conformance with the City of San Leandro General Plan. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·Staff corresponded with utility agencies affected by the proposed vacation. <br />·Per San Leandro Municipal Code Chapter 5-4-110, the City Council’s Resolution of <br />Intention calling for a public hearing on July 21, 2014, was published two times in the Daily <br />Review, a local newspaper, on June 27, 2014 and July 3, 2014. <br />·The City Council’s Resolution of Intention calling for a public hearing on July 21, 2014, was <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2014