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Basement <br />(The diagram is illustrative) <br /> <br />* If this floor level is less than six (6) feet from finished grade for fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter or less than twelve (12) feet <br />from finished grade at all points, the floor below is considered a basement. <br /> <br />Bedroom. A room used for sleeping, living, or dining purposes, excluding en- <br />closed places (e.g., closets, pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service rooms, con- <br />necting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, foyers, storage spaces, cellars, <br />utility rooms and similar spaces). <br /> <br />Bed and Breakfast Inns. Establishments with no more than six (6) guest rooms, offer- <br />ing lodging on a short-term rental not to exceed 30 days less than weekly basis, typi- <br />cally in a converted single-family or multi-family dwelling, with incidental eating and <br />drinking service for lodgers only provided from a single kitchen and which have a resi- <br />dent manager or owner. <br /> <br />Beer and Wine Stores. A retail store principally involved in the business of selling al- <br />coholic beverages, excluding sales of “hard liquor,” “fortified wine”, or distilled spir- <br />its for the consumption off the premises where sold. Stores shall be managed by a <br />certified wine expert (sommelier or oenologist) or a certified beer expert (cicero- <br />ne.)This classification includes beer- or wine-only shops or facilities that are covered <br />by a State license for “beer and wine” (Class 20 ABC license). This classification in- <br />cludes beer or wine tasting as an accessory use, only, but does not allow for the <br />establishment of a bar. This classification allows for accessory food sales, but <br />does not include retail sales of food and other items as defined as a Convenience <br />Store in this Code. <br /> <br />Billiard Parlors. A business establishment where one (1) or more billiard, pool, or <br />snooker tables or combination thereof, are maintained for hire including, but not limited <br />to, a “family billiard parlor,” as defined in the San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-21- <br />100. <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 8 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated