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Amendment. A change in the wording, context or substance of this chapter, or a <br />change in the district boundaries on the zoning map. <br /> <br />Animal, Domestic. Small animals of the type generally accepted as pets, including <br />dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, and the like, but not including roosters, ducks, geese, <br />pea fowl, goats, sheep, hogs or the like. <br /> <br />Animal, Exotic. Any wild animal not customarily confined or cultivated by man for do- <br />mestic or commercial purposes but kept as a pet or for display. <br /> <br />Animal, Large. An animal larger than the largest breed of dogs. This term includes <br />horses, cows, and other mammals customarily kept in corrals or stables. <br /> <br />Animal Boarding. Provision of shelter and care for small animals on a commercial ba- <br />sis. This classification includes activities such as feeding, exercising, training, grooming, <br />and incidental medical care. <br /> <br />Animal Grooming. Provision of bathing and trimming services for small animals on a <br />commercial basis. This classification includes boarding of domestic animals for a maxi- <br />mum period of forty-eight (48) hours. <br /> <br />Animal Hospitals. Establishments where small animals receive medical and surgical <br />treatment. This classification includes only facilities that are entirely enclosed, sound- <br />proofed, and air-conditioned. Grooming and temporary (30 days) boarding of animals is <br />included if incidental to the hospital use. <br /> <br />Animal Sales. Retail sales and boarding of small animals, provided such activities take <br />place entirely within an enclosed building. This classification includes grooming if inci- <br />dental to the retail use, and boarding for a maximum period of forty-eight (48) hours of <br />animals not offered for sale. <br /> <br />Animal Shows. Exhibitions of domestic or large animals for a maximum of seven (7) <br />days. <br /> <br />Animal, Small. An animal no larger than the largest breed of dogs. This term includes <br />fish, birds, and mammals customarily kept in kennels or within a dwelling unit. <br /> <br />Antenna. Any system of wires, poles, panels, rods, reflecting discs or similar de- <br />vices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency waves including, <br />but not limited to, wireless telecommunications facilities used for transmitting or <br />receiving television, radio, citizen’s band or cellular phone communication. (See <br />also “Wireless Telecommunications Facility”.) <br /> <br />Arcade. See “Game Center.” <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 5 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated