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Arcade Games. Any machine or device which may be operated for use as a game, <br />contest, or amusement upon the insertion of a coin, slug, or token in any slot or recep- <br />tacle attached to such machine or connected therewith, which does not contain a payoff <br />device for the return of slugs, money, coins, checks, tokens, or merchandise. <br /> <br />Area, Lot, Parcel, or Site. The horizontal area within the property lines excluding pub- <br />lic-access corridors, public vehicular easements, and areas to be included in future <br />street rights-of-way as established by easement, dedication, or ordinance. <br /> <br />Artists’ Studios. Work space for artists and artisans, including individuals practicing <br />one of the fine arts or performing arts, or skilled in an applied art or craft, but not includ- <br />ing residential use. <br /> <br />Assembly Uses (AU). Meeting, recreational, social facilities of a private or non-profit <br />organization primarily for use by member or guests, or facilities for religious worship and <br />incidental religious education (but not including schools as defined in this section). This <br />classification includes union halls, social clubs, fraternal organizations, and youth cen- <br />ters. <br /> <br />Assembly Uses, Temporary. Meeting, recreational, social facilities of a private or non- <br />profit organization primarily for use by member or guests, or facilities for religious wor- <br />ship and incidental religious education (but not including schools as defined in this sec- <br />tion) on a site that is not permanently occupied by an assembly use, for a period of not <br />more than thirty (30) days. <br /> <br />Attached. For purposes of determining the requirement for minimum separation <br />between structures, any two structures shall be considered attached and not re- <br />quired to maintain a minimum separation if they are connected by a continuous <br />roofline which conforms to the architectural style of the structures. <br /> <br />Attached structure. A structure joined by a common wall or floor/ceiling assem- <br />bly to another structure with a door or stairs providing interior access from the <br />one to the other. <br /> <br />Attic. For planning and zoning purposes, an attic is the space between the under- <br />side of the roof framing (rafters or beams that directly support the roof sheathing) <br />and the upperside of the ceiling framing. Attics are not considered a story. If any <br />part of an attic is seven feet six inches or higher, then all areas greater than five <br />feet zero inches in height shall count as area for FAR calculations. <br /> <br />Automatic Teller Machine. Automatic banking terminals directly accessible to the pub- <br />lic outside of an enclosed building. <br /> <br />Automobile Parts Sales. The retail sale of new automotive parts and accessories (ex- <br />cluding service and installation). <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 6 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated