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File Number: 14-333 <br />this contract amendment would include the following: <br />·Assist the City in its efforts to present factual informational about the measure including <br />but not limited to newsletters, updates to the City’s website, and informational <br />presentations; <br />·Recommend methods to disseminate budget, service, and measure information; <br />·Advise and assist in the production of up to three informational mailers about City fiscal <br />and service needs and revenue measure information; <br />·Refine presentations and other collateral informational materials as needed; and <br />·Advise on media strategies and address rapid response informational needs, as <br />necessary. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The proposed consulting services would cost $13,500. Three informational mailers would <br />cost $48,900, which includes the costs of printing and postage. The total cost of the contract <br />therefore would increase from the previously authorized $66,500 to $128,900. <br />Budget Authority <br />Staff proposes to fund these agreements using funds from the General Fund economic <br />contingency reserve. Therefore, funds will be transferred to the City Manager's Consulting <br />account number 010-12-020-5120. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment to Resolution <br />Amendment to Consulting Services Agreement <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2014