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AMENDMENT TO CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND <br />THE LEW EDWARDS GROUP <br /> <br />This constitutes an Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement e xecuted by the City of San <br />Leandro (“City”) and the LEW EDWARDS GROUP (“Consultant”), that Agreement of which was <br />effective December 2013. The Consulting Services Agreement shall be updated with the following <br />Exhibits for contract extension: <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT “A” <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES—CONTRACT EXTENSION <br /> <br />The Lew Edwards Group will provide the following Scope of Work initiated effective August 1, 2014 <br />through October 31, 2014: <br /> <br />1) Update/refine key messages and themes for City’s informational efforts for city newsletters, <br />guest columns, copy for links on City website, and informational Speakers’ Bureau <br />presentations; <br />2) Recommend methods to disseminate budget, service, and measure information; <br />3) Conceive and produce up to three informational mailers about City fiscal and service needs <br />and revenue measure information; <br />4) Update/refine a PowerPoint presentation and other collateral informational materials as <br />needed; and <br />5) Advise the City on Earned Media strategies and address Rapid Response needs as appropriate. <br /> <br />The parties expressly agree that legal services or advice is not within Consultant’s scope of services. <br />Consultant will facilitate timely delivery of mail products to the US Postal Service, but cannot assume <br />responsibility for delivery once mailing products are within the control and possession of USPS. <br /> <br /> <br />EXHIBIT “B” <br /> <br />COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE <br /> <br />City shall pay Consultant an additional amount Not to Exceed Sixty-Two Thousand, Three Hundred <br />and ninety-eight Dollars and sixty-two cents ($62,398.62) for the following expenditures: <br /> <br /> Strategic services to be performed by The Lew Edwards Group: an additional Thirteen <br />Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($13,500) a rate that has been discounted by 21.8%; <br /> <br /> Three informational direct mailings: Not to Exceed Forty-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred <br />and ninety-eight Dollars and sixty two cents ($48,898.62) <br />