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use of Tenant. Tenant is not entitled to, and shall not reserve for itself by any <br /> means or devices, including but not limited to barriers, cones, or special striping, <br /> painting or markings, any parking spaces in the San Leandro Civic Center. Any <br /> actions by Tenant, or employees of Tenant that violate this Paragraph shall <br /> constitute a material breach of this Lease. Tenant shall make best efforts to park <br /> within the Civic Center parking lots as a first priority to minimize parking impacts to <br /> adjacent residences. <br /> 8. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE: <br /> A. It is understood and agreed by both Landlord and Tenant that <br /> the terms of this Lease were negotiated to facilitate the use of the Premises by the <br /> Tenant to facilitate providing services and programs to the community and the <br /> schools of the San Leandro Unified School District. In accordance with this <br /> understanding, Tenant shall not assign or hypothecate this Lease or any interest <br /> herein and if so the Lease shall be void and shall constitute a material breach and <br /> an event of default under the terms of the Lease. <br /> 9. ALTERATIONS & IMPROVEMENTS: <br /> A. All alterations, additions, or improvements to the Premises shall <br /> be subject to the following conditions, which Tenant covenants to observe and <br /> perform: <br /> (1) No approval by Landlord or any of its agents of the plans, <br /> any changes thereto or of any alterations and improvements for purposes of this <br /> Lease shall be deemed to constitute approval of or compliance with any federal or <br /> state regulatory authority with jurisdiction over Tenant (including without limitation, <br /> any regulations of the California Department of Education, or Division of the State <br /> Architect) or Tenant's use hereunder, and nothing herein shall limit Tenant's <br /> obligation to obtain all such regulatory approvals at Tenant's sole cost. <br /> (2) All work shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner <br /> and in compliance with the applicable building and zoning codes, terms of and <br /> conditions imposed on any permit or authorization for construction to or on the <br /> Premises, including, but not limited to, compliance with disability accessibility <br /> standards pursuant to Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, California <br /> Building Code, California Education Code, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the <br /> California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and the Unruh Civil Rights Act. <br /> (3) All work shall be prosecuted to completion with reasonable <br /> dispatch, unavoidable delays excepted. <br /> 6 <br />