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With a Planned Development (PD), the reviewing bodies will determine if the <br /> proposed use is compatible with the existing and proposed uses in the general <br /> vicinity. Furthermore, the purpose of the PD is to provide a process for the <br /> development of land to reduce the rigidity of zoning standards and to provide a <br /> mechanism for considering uses that can be compatible by application of careful <br /> and imaginative treatment. In this instance, installation of the gates and fencing <br /> would neither isolate the development from the adjacent properties nor would it <br /> change the characteristics of the area in which it is located. <br /> 4. That the proposed use will not create adverse impacts on traffic or create <br /> demands exceeding the capacity of public services and facilities, which <br /> cannot be mitigated. <br /> Installation of the proposed gates and related automated equipment for the gates to <br /> open meets all requirements for police, ambulance and fire access for a gated <br /> community. <br /> 5. The Planned Development Project Plan will provide superior urban design in <br /> comparison with the development under the base district zoning regulations. <br /> The proposed installation of gates and associated fencing uses tubular metal design <br /> that appears wrought iron and decorative in appearance. The proposed metal and <br /> decorative design of the gates and fencing provides an adequate level of urban <br /> design. In addition the open design of the gates and fences is the desired design in <br /> comparison to a solid design. The open design allows for surveillance and sight <br /> distance. <br /> 6. The Planned Development Project includes adequate provisions for utilities, <br /> services, and emergency vehicle access; and that public service demands will <br /> not exceed the capacity of the existing and planned systems. <br /> The proposed project has been designed to meet emergency vehicle access <br /> requirements. The Engineering and Transportation Department and Alameda <br /> County Fire Department have found the access to the site to be safe for vehicular, <br /> pedestrian and emergency vehicle access. Vehicles are not likely to stack from the <br /> installation of the gates as observed from adjacent and nearby multi-family <br /> residential developments do not have vehicle stacking impacts on Washington <br /> Avenue. The adjacent and nearby multi-family residential developments have <br /> gates with a shallower setbacks and higher densities (units to the land area) in <br /> comparison to Floresta Gardens. <br />