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b. Construction of a landscaped paseo (walkway) with public access <br /> easement(the "Walkway Improvements") for safe passage from Alvarado the BART <br /> Station to the east, as generally described in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br /> this reference. The Walkway Improvements will entail the removal and replacement of the <br /> existing pedestrian at-grade [train] crossing and replacing it with the paseo at a location, subject <br /> to City approval, closer to the BART station fare gates. Developer will use good faith efforts to <br /> obtain approvals and permits from the applicable agencies that are necessary to construct the <br /> Walkway Improvements. It is understood that Developer has no control over the granting of <br /> approvals necessary to complete any improvements in the railroad right-of-way bordering the <br /> project site along Martinez Street . In the event Developer is not granted any required permits or <br /> approvals related to complete the work contemplated by this subsection,the Project may proceed <br /> to construction as approved in the Project Approvals and contemplated by this Agreement. <br /> Completion of improvements within any railroad right-of-way shall not be a condition of <br /> approval of the Project. <br /> c. Construction of bicycle parking, including bicycle lockers and <br /> shelters, as mutually agreed between City and Developer consistent with the amount of bicycle <br /> parking needed for the Phase One Improvements. <br /> d. Provided that there are no construction schedule conflicts with the <br /> development of the proposed multi-phased development project by BRIDGE Housing <br /> Corporation at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard (currently used as a BART parking lot)and that <br /> there are no costs to be borne by Developer, Developer shall, if needed, make a good faith effort <br /> to work with BRIDGE Housing Corporation to provide temporary parking for BART patrons on <br /> the Developer's site while BRIDGE's development project is under construction. <br /> 1.4.4. Phase Two Improvements. Phase Two of the Project consists of the <br /> construction of a minimum six story building with a minimum square footage of 120,000 square <br /> feet that would consist of commercial office space, and in addition may include limited retail <br /> space of 12,000 square feet or less ("Phase Two Improvements"). Phase Two Improvements <br /> will include all of the following construction: <br /> a. Construction of bundled parking up to a maximum ratio of 3.0 <br /> parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of office or retail space. Developer shall have the right to <br /> charge for all bundled parking in Phase Two. The parking may be constructed as above grade or <br /> below grade structured parking as appropriate,to accommodate a sufficient number of parking <br /> spaces and levels for both the Phase Two and the Phase Three Improvements. <br /> b. Construction of bicycle parking, including bicycle lockers and <br /> shelters, as mutually agreed between City and Developer consistent with the amount of bicycle <br /> parking needed for the Phase Two Improvements. <br /> c. Completion of improvements within any railroad right-of-way. <br /> 1.4.5. Phase Three Improvements. Phase Three of the Project consists of the <br /> construction of a minimum five story building with a minimum square footage of 100,000 square <br /> feet that would consist of commercial office space, and in addition may include limited retail <br /> 5 <br />