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. <br /> 1.6. Local Hiring . It is in the interests of the City, its residents and local businesses, <br /> to encourage development within the City boundaries that strengthens the local economy by <br /> providing jobs and increasing economic activity overall. The construction of the Project will <br /> directly create construction jobs and indirectly could increase ancillary and complementary jobs <br /> that support the Project's construction activities. The City has a strong public interest in <br /> encouraging hiring local firms and businesses for major projects within the City. <br /> In order to further these goals,Developer will make a good faith effort to contract with <br /> appropriate businesses located in San Leandro for both professionals and construction trades that <br /> will be working on the project construction, subject to the following standards: <br /> • For the purpose of this Section 1.6, a business is located in San Leandro if it has a <br /> physical presence within the City limits and has applied for and received a local <br /> business license; such business may also have offices outside the City; <br /> • Developer will conduct outreach to make City businesses aware of the availability <br /> of project related contracts by(a)advertising such opportunities in the local <br /> newspaper(s) and(b)holding at least two advertised open houses in the vicinity of <br /> the Project to encourage local businesses to come and learn about the project and <br /> how they might be engaged to work on the project. Developer shall keep records <br /> of these outreach efforts and shall provide them to the City upon request. <br /> • Developer and its contractors and subcontractors will consider in good faith all <br /> applications submitted by local businesses in accordance with their normal <br /> practice to engage the most qualified business for each position, and make a good <br /> faith effort to hire local businesses; <br /> • Developer retains the sole and absolute discretion to engage both professional and <br /> construction firms it deems best qualified for the tasks to be performed; <br /> • The requirements of this section shall continue until the issuance of the first <br /> temporary certificate of occupancy for each phase of the Project. <br /> • The requirements of this section are limited to the construction activities of the <br /> Project. <br /> 1.7. Project Approvals. <br /> Developer has applied for and obtained various environmental and land use approvals <br /> and entitlements related to the development of the Project, as described below. For purposes of <br /> this Development Agreement,the term "Project Approvals"means all of the approvals,plans <br /> and agreements described in this Section 1.7. City and Developer agree to work diligently and in <br /> good faith toward appropriate planning entitlements and building permit approvals for each <br /> phase of construction. <br /> 8 <br />