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File Number: 14-357 <br />At its June 19, 2014 meeting, the Planning Commission heard the Heron Bay Homeowners <br />Association proposal to modify the Planned Development approval by installing vehicular and <br />pedestrian gates and fencing. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposal, received <br />staff's report, received the applicant's presentation, heard public comments, and, after closing <br />the public hearing, the Planning Commission made the necessary findings of fact and denied <br />the proposed modifications to the PD. The motion passed 6-0 (1 absent). The excerpts of the <br />June 19th Planning Commission meeting minutes are attached to this report. <br />The Planning Commission's denial of a proposal to modify a PD is final unless the decision is <br />appealed to the City Council within 15 days of the Planning Commission's decision. On July 3, <br />2014 the appellant filed a timely appeal. <br />Staff Recommendation: <br />Staff recommends that the City Council deny the appeal and affirm the Planning <br />Commission's denial of the proposed modification of Heron Bay's Planned Development, <br />PD -91-3. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Per the Planned Development, PD -91-3, and various subdivision maps, Heron Bay (formerly <br />known as Robert's Landing by Citation Homes) was constructed as an open and non -gated <br />neighborhood at the west terminus of Lewelling Boulevard. The neighborhood comprises 629 <br />residential units (451 detached single-family units and 178 motor court units) on <br />approximately 70 acres. <br />The development of Heron Bay included the restoration and public dedication of the 400 -plus <br />acres of marshlands between the Planned Development neighborhood and the Bay. The San <br />Francisco Bay Trail in San Leandro extends from the San Lorenzo Creek to Marina Park, <br />which runs through the restored marsh next to Heron Bay, follows along the edge of the Bay, <br />crosses a flood control channel to Marina Park, and continues north to Oyster Bay Regional <br />Shoreline. <br />The proposal to construct gates and fences is considered a major modification to the <br />approved PD -91-3. Therefore, in accordance with the Zoning Code, the request to modify <br />PD -91-3 was treated as a new application for a Planned Development approval. <br />The stated purpose of the proposal as submitted by the applicant is to address security, <br />including unwanted solicitors, package thefts, vandalism and other public safety and nuisance <br />issues. According to the applicant, the Association passed a measure to assess members for <br />construction of security gates and fencing to reduce unauthorized access by nonresidents into <br />the neighborhood. <br />Site Plan, Fence and Gate Design and Operations <br />The proposal includes gates at three locations: the Park Entrance, Anchorage Drive and <br />Bayfront Drive. The proposed gates and fencing would be tubular metal fences, vehicle gates <br />and pedestrian gates, and flagstone veneered columns/pilasters (see Exhibits B -D). Other <br />related features would include motorized openers for the vehicle gates, cameras on the stone <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 8126/2014 <br />