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LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND ST. <br />LEANDER PARISH FOR THE USE OF THE EXTERIOR WEST FACING <br />WALL ON THE GYMNASIUM BUILDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF <br />ARTWORK <br />This Lease Agreement for use of a discrete portion of real property is made this 6th day of <br />August, 2014 by the City of San Leandro ("Tenant"), a charter city formed under the laws of the <br />State of California and St. Leander Parish ("Landlord"), a territorial division of the Roman <br />Catholic Diocese of Oakland, together referred to as "Parties," for the use of the western facing <br />exterior wall of the real property adjacent to San Leandro Boulevard, commonly known as the <br />Saint Leander's Gymnasium building, and located at 575 West Estudillo Avenue (the "Wall") for <br />the following defined term: 10 years, commencing August 6, 2014, with an automatic <br />extension for an additional 10 years, for a total of 20 years. <br />Total Rent: The total rent for the Term, and the extension defined above is $10,000. The <br />rent shall be paid on the first day of the Term as follows: One check for five <br />thousand dollars ($5,000) made payable to "St. Leander Parish" and sent to <br />474 West Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro, CA 94577 and one check for <br />$5,000 on the first day of the first and only automatic extension, made payable <br />to St. Leander Parish. <br />Premises: Landlord agrees to lease to Tenant the Wall as more particularly described, <br />and depicted in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein and made <br />a part hereof. Tenant shall use the property only for lawful purposes. <br />Tenant Agrees: To use the Wall as indicated above. The parties shall mutually agree on the <br />proposed artwork. Said Wall shall be kept clean, graffiti -free, and free of <br />hazards. At its own expense, Tenant shall repair any damage to the exterior of <br />the Wall caused by Tenant and its activities related to the use of the Wall. <br />Tenant shall not be required to repair or replace the wall should it be damaged <br />by any act of Landlord, or force majeure event, including but not limited to <br />earthquake, fire, accident caused by a third party's collision with the Wall, or <br />flood. <br />Liability: Tenant hereby releases, indemnifies and holds harmless the Landlord, <br />including its officials, officers, directors, and employees from and against any <br />and all claims or liability for bodily injury (including death), damage to <br />property, personal injury, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses <br />(including any attorney's fees) of any kind, and lawsuits arising from, or <br />alleged to arise from, Tenant's rental and use of the Wall, which is the subject <br />of this Agreement. <br />Furthermore, Tenant shall procure and present to the Landlord through a <br />certificate of insurance naming St. Leander Parish, its officials, officers, <br />directors, and employees as additional insureds, comprehensive or commercial <br />general liability insurance with limits not less than One Million Dollars <br />($1,000,000) each occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and <br />