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File Number: 14-361 <br />and place and the business to be transacted at such special meeting shall be delivered by <br />personal delivery, by mail, or by facsimile at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such <br />meeting to each member of the Commission, to the City Manager, to the City Clerk and to <br />each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station requesting notice in <br />writing. No other business shall be considered at such special meeting. <br />§24.1.110:MEETING PLACE. All regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at the <br />Civic Center, City of San Leandro, unless in the opinion of the Commission, the interests of <br />the City and Commission could be best served by holding such meetings elsewhere. <br />§24.1.115:AGENDA. The Secretary shall prepare an agenda for all matters to be <br />submitted to the Commission and shall distribute the agenda and related materials to all <br />interested parties not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of a regular meeting, <br />and not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date of a special meeting <br />Copies of the agenda, or the Notice of Cancellation if a meeting has been cancelled, shall be <br />delivered to each member of the Commission, to each member of the City Council, to the City <br />Manager, and to the City Clerk. <br />ARTICLE 2 - OFFICERS <br />§24.1.200:CHAIR. The presiding officer of the Commission shall be the Chair, who shall <br />be elected at the first regular meeting in July of every year. The Chair shall preserve order <br />and decorum at regular and special meetings of the Commission; shall state each question; <br />shall announce decisions; shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the <br />Commission; shall vote on all questions; shall appoint all committees; and shall generally <br />perform the duties of a presiding officer. <br />§24.1.205:VICE CHAIR. The Vice Chair of the Commission shall be elected annually at <br />the first regular meeting in July of every year. The Vice Chair shall preside in the absence of <br />the Chair or upon the request of the Chair . In the event the Chair shall arrive late, the Vice <br />Chair shall relinquish the chair upon conclusion of the business then pending before the <br />Commission. <br />§24.1.210:CHAIR PRO TEM. In the event of the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair <br />or their inability to act, the Commissioners present shall elect from their membership a Chair <br />Pro Tem to serve during such temporary absence. In the event the Chair or Vice Chair shall <br />arrive late, the Chair Pro Tem shall relinquish the chair upon conclusion of the business then <br />pending before the Commission. <br />§24.1.215:LIMIT OF TERM. No member of the Commission shall serve more than two (2) <br />successive full terms of one (1) year as Chair or Vice Chair of the Commission provided that <br />this limitation may be waived upon a finding of good cause, by an affirmative vote of a majority <br />of the members of the Commission. <br />§24.1.220:SECRETARY. The Secretary of the Commission, appointed by the Recreation <br />and Human Services Director, shall keep all minutes, prepare the agenda, and furnish all <br />members of the Commission with a copy of the agenda, plus copies of all correspondence <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/26/2014