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File Number: 14-361 <br />and other papers related to items appearing on the agenda; and shall follow all legal noticing <br />requirements. Items which are of general interest and not requiring action on the part of the <br />Commission need not be included in the agenda, but may be mailed to all members of the <br />Commission. <br />§24.1.225:QUORUM. A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a <br />quorum for the transaction of business. <br />ARTICLE 3 - ORDER OF BUSINESS <br />§24.1.300:CALL TO ORDER. Upon opening the meeting and after determining that a <br />quorum is present, the Chair shall call the meeting to order. The call to order may be <br />immediately followed by the Pledge of Allegiance or other opening ceremonies. <br />§24.1.305:AGENDA. The following shall be the ordinary order of business for meetings of <br />the Commission: <br />1.Roll Call <br />2.Approval of Agenda <br />3.Approval of Minutes <br />4.Public Comments <br />5.Correspondence <br />6.Report of Secretary <br />7.Committee Reports <br />8.Unfinished Business <br />9.New Business <br />10.Report of Chair <br />11.Commissioners Comments <br />12.Adjournment <br />§24.1.310:ALTERATION OF ORDER. The Chair, with the approval of the Commission, <br />may move items out of prepared agenda order. <br />§24.1.315:SPECIAL ITEMS. Special items not appearing on the agenda may be <br />presented by any member of the public or Commission with consent by a two-thirds vote of <br />the members present or by unanimous vote if less than two-thirds of the body is present, and <br />subject to any applicable legal requirement including the Ralph M. Brown Act (California <br />Government Code §54950 et seq.). <br />ARTICLE 4 - CONDUCT OF BUSINESS <br />§24.1.400:RULES. The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, except <br />where inconsistent with the express provisions of law or these Rules of Procedure or other <br />resolutions of the Commission, shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Commission. <br />§24.1.405:ROLL CALL. Before proceeding with the business of the Commission, the <br />Secretary shall call the roll of the membership, and the names of those present shall be <br />entered in the minutes. If a Commissioner is unable to attend a meeting, either the Secretary <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/26/2014