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September 2, 2014City Council Draft Minutes <br />The City Council recessed from 9:17 p.m. to 9:34 p.m. <br />Item 5, Public Comments, was considered earlier in the agenda. <br />CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS6. <br />14-3696.A.City Attorney Presentation to the City Council Regarding Status of <br />E-Cigarette Regulations and Discussion by the City Council Regarding <br />Amendments to the Municipal Code Related to E-Cigarette Use <br />Comments were made by the following individuals: Denis Ducey, Beatrice <br />Cardenas-Duncan; Laura Fultz Stout, Paul Cummings, Marcia Brown-Machea, and <br />D. J. Evans. <br />14-3706.B.City Attorney Presentation to the City Council Regarding Current <br />Status of Massage Business Regulations, Proposed State Legislation, <br />and Request for Direction from the City Council Regarding <br />Amendments to the Municipal Code that Regulate Massage <br />Businesses <br />14-3416.C.City Manager Update on City Hall/Police Department Security Camera <br />Project <br />Comments were made by the following individual: Mike Katz-Lacabe. <br />AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR7. <br />There was no amendment to the Consent Calendar. <br />CONSENT CALENDAR8. <br />Approval of the Consent Calendar <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Reed, seconded by Councilmember <br />Cutter, to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. <br />Aye:Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Lee, Prola, Reed, Souza7 - <br />14-3628.A.Minutes of the Meeting of July 21, 2014 <br />Approved as submitted on the Consent Calendar. <br />14-2868.B.ORDINANCE Vacating Portions of Public Rights-of-Way and Retaining <br />Public Utility Easements (Martinez Street Between West Estudillo <br />Avenue and Thornton Boulevard, and West Estudillo Avenue Between <br />Alvarado Street and Martinez Street) (vacates portions of public streets <br />and retains public utility easements in the vacated areas) <br />Page 3City of San Leandro Printed on 9/9/2014