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File Number: 14-368 <br />(b)Any members of the Boards and Commissions listed in subsection (a) of this <br />section who were appointed at large pursuant to Section 1-3-110 of this Article (“At Large <br />Members”) may hold office for up to four (4) years, commencing on the date of appointment. <br />The terms of At Large Members shall terminate upon the expiration of the Mayor’s regular <br />term of office. The City Council may fill a vacancy by appointment for the unexpired remainder <br />of the term. <br />(c)Youth Advisory Commission Board Members shall hold office for one year <br />commencing September 1, and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. <br />Youth Advisory Commission Board Members may be appointed for up to four (4) consecutive <br />terms. The City Council may fill a vacancy by appointment for the unexpired remainder of the <br />term. <br />(d)Except as otherwise provided in this Code, a Board and Commission member <br />whose term is not provided for in subsections (a), (b) or (c) of this section shall hold office for <br />four (4) years from the date of appointment. The City Council may fill a vacancy by <br />appointment for the unexpired remainder of the term. <br />(e)Arts Commission District Members from Council Member Districts 1, 3, and 5 <br />and At Large Members appointed in 2014 shall hold office until December 31, 2016. <br />Arts Commission Members appointed after 2014 shall not be subject to this subsection. <br />(e)(f)Notwithstanding the formal term expiration dates described above, Board and <br />Commission member terms of appointment shall continue until a successor has been <br />appointed or until they formally resign their position. <br />SECTION 4.Article 16 is hereby added to Title I, Chapter 3 of the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code as follows: <br />ARTICLE 16. ARTS COMMISSION <br />1-3-1600 MEMBERSHIP. <br />The Arts Commission shall consist of nine (9) members , all of whom shall be residents <br />of the City of San Leandro . The membership shall include one member from each of the <br />six (6) Council Member Districts pursuant to Section 1-3-110 of this Code. The <br />membership shall also include three (3) at large members, with at least one (1) at large <br />member whom shall be a resident of the City of San Leandro. <br />1-3-1605 POWERS AND DUTIES. <br />The Commission is charged with assessing, developing, and promoting art <br />opportunities to enrich and enhance the San Leandro community. In discharge of this <br />responsibility, the Commission shall: <br />(a)Encourage and promote art programs and activities within the City; <br />(b)Make recommendations to the City Council regarding local visual and performing art <br />needs, activities and programs; <br />(c)Receive and gather input from the community on issues relevant to art policies; <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/9/2014