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SCOPE OF WORK: San Leandro Creek Trail Master Plan <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The proposed San Leandro Creek Trail Master Plan is an effort to develop a plan, design <br />concepts, and implementation strategy for a multi -use path along the San Leandro Creek in the <br />cities of San Leandro and Oakland. This project will build on several years of preliminary <br />outreach and analysis of the corridor, through which Merritt College engaged hundreds of <br />community residents; over a decade worth of effort by the Friends of San Leandro Creek to <br />restore a thriving riparian corridor within Oakland and San Leandro; and many other efforts by a <br />diverse group of stakeholders. The Master Plan effort will consolidate and expand on this work <br />to further broaden stakeholder involvement, build critical organizational partnerships, and <br />conduct a more in-depth analysis of the opportunities and constraints associated with developing <br />a multi -use trail in this unique corridor. Special emphasis will be given to including residents and <br />organizations that focus their efforts on disadvantaged communities, particularly the Sobrante <br />Park and Columbia Gardens neighborhoods in Oakland. Primary project partners in this effort <br />include the City of San Leandro; City of Oakland; Rails -to -Trails Conservancy (RTC); San <br />Leandro Creek Alliance (a coalition of local stakeholders); Merritt College; and a consulting <br />team. <br />The San Leandro Creek Alliance has served as the forum for ongoing meetings of a diverse <br />group of project partners, including the cities of San Leandro and Oakland, East Bay Regional <br />Parks District, Merritt College, BART, Alameda Flood Control District, Friends of San Leandro <br />Creek, and RTC. Friends of San Leandro Creek has recently secured a technical assistance grant <br />from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program to support <br />the intensification of the outreach efforts, resources which will provide a valuable complement to <br />the Master Plan effort proposed through this application to Caltrans. <br />The purpose of the project is to develop a project master plan and feasibility analysis. The target <br />area for a proposed trail along the San Leandro Creek is currently on property owned by the <br />Alameda County Flood Control District (which has provided a letter of support, included with <br />this application) and various private property owners. Any management, operations, or <br />maintenance responsibilities associated with a planned trail is not assumed by any of the <br />applicants or sub -applicants by participating in this coordinated planning. <br />This scope of work reflects the anticipated process and lists deliverables for the San Leandro <br />Creek Trail Master Plan. <br />RESPONSIBLE PARTIES <br />City of San Leandro <br />The City of San Leandro is the lead applicant for this project. San Leandro will be the grant <br />recipient, will assign staff to manage the grant, and will execute contracts with Caltrans and the <br />sub -recipients. City of San Leandro staff will participate in all aspects of the project, coordinate <br />closely with other members of the project team, review grant products, and perform grant <br />administration functions as required. The City has also committed to providing $10,000 toward <br />the matching requirement for the grant. <br />