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Task 2: Public Outreach <br />In coordination with the Cities of San Leandro and Oakland, RTC will lead a focused outreach <br />and publicity effort throughout the course of the project. <br />Task 2.1: Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meetings. The Project Team will <br />convene a minimum of four Technical Advisory Committee meetings which will include <br />representatives from Caltrans, local agencies and key community stakeholders to identify <br />important issues associated with the development of the Trail. The TAC will identify key <br />issues to be addressed, including technical issues related to trail design and maintenance <br />needs. <br />Responsible Party: Project Team <br />Task 2.2: Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Meetings. The Project Team will convene a <br />Citizen Advisory Committee to ensure representation from the diverse stakeholders in <br />communities along the corridor. Stakeholders involved in this effort will include participants <br />in past outreach efforts, including but not limited to San Leandro Unified School District, <br />Oakland Unified School District, Airport Area Business Association, Merritt College, City <br />County Neighborhood Initiative, Sobrante Park Home Improvement Association, Higher <br />Ground Neighborhood Development Corporation, Communities for a Better Environment, <br />Community Reform Church, tribal representatives selected through a Best Practices Tribal <br />Consultancy, Friends of San Leandro Creek, and other community-based groups. A <br />minimum of four CAC meetings will be held throughout the life of the project. <br />Responsible Party: Project Team <br />Task 2.3: Develop and Distribute Outreach Materials. RTC, in coordination with the <br />Cities of San Leandro and Oakland, will develop flyers and other outreach strategies, <br />including social media, to publicize community workshops for neighborhood distribution. <br />Flyers will be distributed through the TAC, CAC, neighborhood groups, their respective <br />communications networks, and direct outreach to potentially impacted property owners. <br />Press releases will be circulated to local and regional newspapers local radio stations, and <br />other media. Outreach will include contacting Spanish-language media, and materials will be <br />developed in English and Spanish as needed. <br />Responsible Party: RTC <br />Task 2.4: Community Workshops. A minimum of six (6) community workshops will be <br />held in San Leandro and Oakland to reach out and solicit input from the diverse <br />neighborhoods and stakeholders along the six -mile corridor. These workshops will include <br />interactive planning and mapping exercises done in coordination with the National Park <br />Service as part of their technical assistance support. Merritt College students, who have led <br />numerous community workshops with neighborhood groups during the past several years <br />along the San Leandro Creek corridor, will be providing significant assistance in supporting <br />these workshops. Materials presented at the workshop will include maps of the corridor, and <br />a presentation on the opportunities and challenges posed by the Trail. <br />Responsible Party: Project Team <br />5 <br />