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Tasks <br />Deliverables <br />Task 2.1 <br />Agenda, participant list, meeting notes. <br />Task 2.2 <br />Agenda, participant list, meeting notes. <br />Task 2.3 <br />Copies of materials and modes of outreach and distribution summary. <br />Task 2.4 <br />Presentation materials; summary of input; sign -in sheets. <br />Task 3. Plan Development <br />Task 3.1: Draft Plan. Within two months of the initial round of workshops, the Project <br />Team will develop the Master Plan outline. Within four months of the final workshop, the <br />Project Team will prepare and circulate a draft of the plan for review by Caltrans, staff and <br />the public. The Consultant will provide the majority of the content. The Plan will include <br />recommended alignments, an implementation strategy, planning level cost estimates, <br />recommended trail standards and sample cross-sections, recommended priority segments and <br />funding sources, and an operations and maintenance strategy. <br />Responsible Party: Consultant <br />Task 3.2: Final Plan. The Project Team will incorporate revisions based on comments from <br />elected officials, agency staff, and the public and finalize the plan. <br />Responsible Party: Consultant <br />• Task 3.3: Plan Presentation. The Cities of San Leandro and Oakland will present the final <br />plan to their respective City Councils. <br />Responsible Party: Project Team <br />Tasks <br />Deliverables <br />Task 3.1 <br />Copies of draft report in pdf <br />Task 3.2 <br />Copies of Master Plan in pdf and paper formats, and web ready files <br />for public access. Comments included in appendix of final report. <br />Task 3.3 <br />Presentation materials for Final Plan. <br />Task 4: Administration and Fiscal Management <br />The City of San Leandro will be responsible for securing the Fund Transfer Agreement with <br />Caltrans; contracting with the City of Oakland, RTC, and the consultant; progress reporting and <br />documentation; and invoicing. <br />Task 4.1. The City of San Leandro will provide invoicing and accounting as required to <br />administer the grant. <br />Task 4.2. The City of San Leandro will provide quarterly progress reporting as required by <br />Caltrans. <br />Responsible Party: City of San Leandro <br />2 <br />