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Fiscal Year 2014-15 <br />TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANT <br />APPLICATION <br />LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION <br />Information in this section must directly be tied to the applicant's address. <br />All legislative members in the project area do not need to be listed. <br />State Senator(s) Assembly Member(s) <br />Name(s) District Name(s) District <br />Ellen Corbett Ellen Corbett 10 Rob Bonta 18 <br />Loni Hancock 9 <br />*Use the following link to determine the legislators: <br /> (search by address) <br />Grant applications must clearly demonstrate how the proposed transportation planning project <br />promotes State and Federal Transportation Planning Goals. Select all that apply. <br />STATE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GOALS <br />0 Improve Multimodal Mobility and Accessibility for All People: Expand the system and <br />enhance modal choices and connectivity to meet the state's future transportation demands. <br />❑✓ Preserve the Multimodal Transportation System: Maintain, manage, and efficiently utilize <br />California's existing transportation system. <br />Z Support a Vibrant Economy: Maintain, manage, and enhance the movement of goods and <br />people to spur the economic development and growth, job creation, and trade. <br />❑✓ Improve Public Safety and Security: Ensure the safety and security of people, goods, <br />services, and information in all modes of transportation. <br />❑✓ Foster Livable and Healthy Communities and Promote Social Equity: Find transportation <br />solutions that balance and integrate community values with transportation safety and <br />performance, and encourage public involvement in transportation decisions. <br />❑•/ Practice Environmental Stewardship: Plan and provide transportation services while <br />protecting our environment, wildlife, historical, and cultural assets. <br />