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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T <br /> Net SA Non-Admin <br />and Admin PPA <br />(Amount Used to <br />Offset ROPS 14-15B <br />Requested RPTTF) <br /> Authorized Actual Authorized Actual Authorized Actual Authorized <br />Available <br />RPTTF <br />(ROPS 13-14B <br />distributed + all other <br />available as of <br />01/1/14) <br /> Net Lesser of <br />Authorized / <br />Available Actual <br /> Difference <br />(If K is less than L, <br />the difference is <br />zero) Authorized <br />Available <br />RPTTF <br />(ROPS 13-14B <br />distributed + all other <br />available as of <br />01/1/14) <br /> Net Lesser of <br />Authorized / <br />Available Actual <br /> Difference <br />(If total actual <br />exceeds total <br />authorized, the <br />total difference is <br />zero) <br /> Net Difference <br />(M+R) <br />550,000$ 52,592$ 3,819,467$ 5,023,774$ -$ -$ 5,168,129$ 5,168,129$ 5,168,129$ 5,025,595$ 161,513$ 307,427$ $ - -$ 161,513$ <br /> SA Comments <br />Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14-15B) - Report of Prior Period Adjustments <br />Reported for the ROPS 13-14B (January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014) Period Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34186 (a) <br />(Report Amounts in Whole Dollars) <br />ROPS 13-14B Successor Agency (SA) Self-reported Prior Period Adjustments (PPA): Pursuant to HSC Section 34186 (a), SAs are required to report the differences between their actual available funding and their actual expenditures for the ROPS 13-14B (January through June 2014) period. The amount of Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) approved for the ROPS <br />14-15B (January through June 2015) period will be offset by the SA’s self-reported ROPS 13-14B prior period adjustment. HSC Section 34186 (a) also specifies that the prior period adjustments self-reported by SAs are subject to audit by the county auditor-controller (CAC) and the State Controller. <br />Item # <br />Project Name / Debt <br />Obligation <br />Non-RPTTF Expenditures <br />Non-Admin AdminBond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other Funds <br />RPTTF Expenditures <br /> 36 Downtown Cleaning & <br />Maintenance - - - - - - - <br /> 37 Broadband Strategy - - - - - - - <br /> 38 Senior Center - - - - - - - <br /> 39 King Ground Lease <br />Settlement - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - <br /> 40 Litigation Costs - AB1484 <br />Stipulation - - - - - - - <br /> 41 Litigation Costs - LMIHF <br />Due Diligence Review - - - - - - - <br /> 42 Litigation Costs - Other <br />Funds Due Diligence <br />Review - - - 32,256 32,256 32,256 9,176 23,080 23,080 <br /> 43 Downtown San Leandro <br />Community Benefit District - - - 36,508 36,508 36,508 36,508 - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - - <br /> - - -