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BayCAP2 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Bay Area Charge Ahead Project 2 - Approval to Proceed | July 30, 2014 | page 7 <br />stops are not included in the standard ABM work scope. If additional protection is desired or <br />required by the City, bollards or wheel stops can be procured and installed with the city’s own <br />resources or a proposal can be provided by ABM. <br /> <br />VII. ABM Terms and Conditions <br />A. INDEMNIFICATION. ABM will defend, indemnify and save harmless the Site Host, its officers, <br />agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses (including <br />attorney’s fees), judgments or liabilities arising out of this Agreement or occasioned by the <br />performance or attempted performance of the provisions hereof; including, but not limited to, any <br />act or omission to act on ABM’s part, or that of ABM’s agents or employees or other independent <br />contractors directly responsible to ABM, but only to the extent same are caused by the negligence, <br />misconduct, or fault of ABM, ABM’s agents or employees or other independent contractors <br />directly responsible to ABM. ABM shall notify both the Site Host’s Designee and Purchasing <br />immediately in the event of any accident or injury arising out of or in connection with this <br />Contract. <br />B. Contractor Access to Site: The Site Host shall permit ABM (“Contractor”), free and timely access <br />to areas and equipment, and allow Contractor to start and stop the equipment as necessary to <br />perform required services. All planned work under this Agreement will be performed during <br />Contractor’s normal working hours. <br />C. Workmanship & Warranty: Contractor warrants that the workmanship hereunder shall be free <br />from defects for one year from date of installation. If any replacement part or item of <br />equipment proves defective, Contractor will extend to Customer the benefits of any warranty <br />Contractor has received from the manufacturer. Removal and reinstallation of any equipment or <br />materials repaired or replaced not under a manufacturer’s warranty will be at Customer’s <br />expense and at the rates then in effect. <br />D. Alteration to Scope of Work: Any alteration to, or deviation from, the scope of work in this <br />Agreement involving extra work, cost of material or labor will become an extra charge (fixed- <br />price amount or on a time-and-material basis at Contractor’s rates then in effect) over the sum <br />stated in this Agreement. <br />E. Liability for Delay: Contractor shall not be liable for any delay, loss, damage, or detention <br />caused by unavailability of machinery, equipment or materials, delay of carriers, strikes, <br />including those by Contractor’s employees, lockouts, civil or military authority, priority <br />regulations, insurrection or riot, action of the elements, forces of nature, or by any cause <br />beyond its control. <br />F. OSHA Provisions: Site Host shall make available to Contractor’s personnel all pertinent Material <br />Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) pursuant to OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard Regulations. <br />G. Toxic and Hazardous Substances: Site Host’s obligation under this proposal; and any <br />subsequent contract does not include the identification, abatement or removal of asbestos or <br />any other toxic or hazardous substances, hazardous wastes or hazardous materials. In the event <br />such substances, wastes, or materials are encountered, Contractor’s sole obligation will be to <br />notify the Site Host of their existence. Contractor shall have the right thereafter to suspend its <br />work until such substances, wastes, or materials and the resultant hazards are removed. The <br />time for completion of the work shall be extended to the extent caused by the suspension and <br />the contract price equitably adjusted. <br />H. Damage Limitation: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT <br />(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), EQUITY OR OTHERWISE, WILL CONTRACTOR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR <br />LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFIT, INCREASED OPERATING OR MAINTENANCE EXPENSES, .