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File Number: 14-350 <br />less processing fees, to the City. <br />·The ChargePoint network services fee will be $230 per year per port ($460 per <br />charging station), which includes software upgrades, station programming, cellular <br />connections, and 24/7 driver support. The upfront payment of the first two years of <br />network services fees will complete the City’s grant match. <br />·A one-year warranty is provided, with a two-year extended warranty option available <br />(parts only, $660 per charging station per year). <br />·The City will be responsible for all electrical costs. <br />·The City is required to develop a plan to charge customers for the use of the EVCSs. <br />Analysis <br />The main purpose of installing electric vehicle charging stations is to encourage the use of <br />electric vehicles in San Leandro. However, as part of the grant, site hosts are required to <br />charge fees for charging. They are also encouraged to raise the fee for occupying the <br />EVCS-equipped parking space by a sufficient increment to encourage turnover of the space <br />and thus increase the availability and utilization for electric vehicle drivers. A Level-2 charger <br />will provide a standard full charge in three to four hours. Therefore, recommended fees are $1 <br />per hour for the first four hours of charging, and $5 per hour for fifth and successive hours. <br />The City will be responsible for operating and maintaining the stations. The first year will cost <br />the City $1,380. In the second year, operational costs could be up to $5,340, and for the third <br />year and after, operation and maintenance could cost $6,140 annually, plus electricity. Fees <br />would be set and reviewed after a year to ensure that expenses for sustaining charger <br />operations are covered to the maximum extent feasible and appropriate. In most cases in the <br />Bay Area, fees for charger operations are set in the $1 - $1.50 range, which are adequate to <br />cover energy costs, transaction fees, the ChargePoint network services fee, and maintenance <br />plans, as long as turnover in the parking spaces is adequate. <br />Fees can be charged at electric vehicle charging stations once an ordinance authorizing the <br />fee is in effect. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Climate Action Plan, Goal 4.5 <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·General Plan, Policy 31.09, Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Promote the development of <br />infrastructure which supports the use of alternative fuel (i.e., electric) vehicles. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Building and Electrical permits from the Community Development Department will be procured <br />for the installations. <br />Environmental Review <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/9/2014