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File Number: 14-340 <br />$287,825. All three bids were rejected, new pavement adjacent to the concrete railroad <br />panels was removed from the scope, and the project was put out to bid again. <br />Analysis <br />One bid was received on August 12, 2014 in the amount of $236,936.50. The engineer's <br />estimate for construction was $175,950.00. <br />This project is exempt from the local business ordinance because it is a federally funded <br />project. <br />The funding from Section 130 is $191,000.00, therefore an appropriation of $180,000 is <br />required from the Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Fund for this Project. <br />Previous Actions <br />On July 7, 2014, by Council Resolution 2014-071, all bids from the first bidding of the subject <br />project were rejected. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy 18.02-B: Pedestrian Safety Improvements: Develop programs to improve pedestrian <br />safety at both controlled and uncontrolled intersections throughout the City. Programs that <br />use innovative technology, such as lighted crosswalks and warning countdowns should be <br />explored. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per section 15301, Existing Facilities. Repair <br />and maintenance of existing structures are covered by this section. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />This project was advertised in the Daily Review on July 18, 2014. Staff contacted contractors <br />and past bidders via email to request bids for the subject project. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total project cost including design, construction, contingencies and construction <br />management is estimated at $371,000.00. <br />Budget Authority <br />This project will be funded by Section 130 Grant funds of $191,000 in account 150-38-325 <br />allocated as part of the FY 2011-2012 budget of which there is $113,000 remaining. Design <br />and bid costs of $78,000 have been funded by this Section 130 grant. The project will also be <br />funded by Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian funds in account 144-36-325 in the amount of <br />$180,000, for which the appropriation is requested. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 9/9/2014 <br />