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applicable laws, rules, ordinances, regulations, and code requirements. BUFU <br />(c) Liens. Each Lessee agrees that in the event that any mechanic's lien or <br />other statutory lien arising by reason of labor, services, or materials supplied to or at the request <br />of said Lessee, shall be recorded against any other of the Parcels, then such Lessee shall pay and <br />discharge the same of record within twenty (20) days after the notice of the filing thereof, by <br />either payment, deposit or bond, except to the extent such lien shall be contested in accordance <br />herewith. Each Lessee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to contest the validity, amount <br />or applicability of any such lien by appropriate legal proceedings, provided it furnishes a lien <br />release bond or otherwise causes such lien to be released within such twenty (20) day period. If <br />said Lessee does not, within the time period specified above, contest or cause the same to be <br />released of record by payment or posting of a proper bond, the Lessee of the Lessee Parcel <br />affected by such lien, and BART if the lien pertains to the Phase II Parcel, shall have, in addition <br />to all other remedies provided herein and by law, the right, but not the obligation, to cause the <br />same to be released by such means as it shall deem proper, including without limitation by the <br />payment of the claim giving rise to such lien or by the posting of a bond. The paying Lessee or <br />BART, as applicable, shall submit an invoice and supporting documentation to the non-paying <br />Lessee, and the non-paying Lessee shall pay such amount no later than ten (10) days following <br />receipt of such invoice. <br />2.4 Access Easements. The Declarant hereby establishes and grants the following <br />easements: <br />(a) Utility Facilities. Declarant hereby establishes and grants to each Lessee <br />non-exclusive easements, appurtenant to such Lessee's Lessee Parcels, in, on, under, over and <br />across those portions of the Lessee Parcels not owned by such Lessee, and the utility rooms <br />identified on the Plans and Specifications, which are reasonably necessary for such Lessee to <br />access, install, operate, maintain, repair, replace and relocate all electrical, gas, water, sewage, <br />drainage, telephone, cable, security and other utilities and similar facilities identified in the Plans <br />and Specifications and servicing such Lessee's Lessee Parcels. The exercise of the easements <br />granted in this Section shall be made with as little inconvenience to each Lessee as practicable. <br />Except in cases of emergency or with respect to areas for which easements are otherwise <br />provided in this Declaration, twenty-four (24) hours' advance notice (by telephonic notice and: <br />(i) facsimile and overnight delivery, (ii) electronic mail and overnight delivery, or (iii) by <br />personal delivery) shall be given to a Lessee prior to exercise of the easements granted in this <br />Section. Any utility work shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Lessee contracting for the <br />performance of the work. Any damage to any portion of any of the Parcels as a result of the <br />exercise of the easement granted in this Section shall be promptly restored to as near the original <br />condition as possible by the Lessee using the easement at such Lessee's sole cost and expense. <br />(b) Parking. To the extent not granted in the Map Easements, Declarant <br />hereby establishes and grants to the Family Parcel Lessee and the Phase II Parking Parcel Lessee <br />for the benefit of each such Lessee and its respective Users, non-exclusive easements, <br />appurtenant to Family Parcel and the Phase II Parking Parcel, for ingress, egress, access and use <br />of the following portions of the BART Parking Parcel: the stairwells, elevators, walkways, <br />sidewalks, pathways, driveways, ramps, and bicycle storage spaces. <br />E <br />