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BAAQMD FYE 2014 TFCA Funding Agreement <br />are incorporated therein as Appendix A, and made a part of the "Transportation Fund for Clean <br />Air (TFCA) Regional Fund Guidance, Policies and Evaluation Criteria For Fiscal Year Ending <br />(FYE) 2014," dated November 2013, and which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof <br />by this reference as if fully set forth herein. <br />SECTION III <br />AIR DISTRICT OBLIGATIONS <br />1) The Air District will provide eligible TFCA funds for this Project in an amount not to exceed the <br />TFCA Regional Funds Awarded. <br />2) The Air District will endeavor to pay the undisputed amount of an approved invoice within thirty <br />(30) calendar days of the date of Air District's receipt of such invoice. <br />3) The Air District will provide timely notice to the Project Sponsor prior to conducting an audit. <br />4) The Air District will provide the Project Sponsor a copy of the fiscal and performance audits of <br />the Project as specified in California Health and Safety Code Section 44242. <br />5) The Air District will provide the Project Sponsor all Air District -approved Regional Fund <br />reporting and invoice forms. <br />6) The Air District will make its logo available to Project Sponsor solely for use to fulfill the Project <br />Sponsor's obligation under Section II. I I of this Agreement. <br />SECTION IV <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />1) Effective Date: The effective date of this Agreement is the date the Air District Executive <br />Officer/Air Pollution Control Officer executes this Agreement (the "Effective Date"). <br />2) Term: The term of this Agreement shall be from Effective Date of this Agreement until the end <br />of three (3) years from the latter of either 1) the date of the Air District's payment after <br />acceptance of the Final Report, or 2) the last day of the Project Useful Life, unless this <br />Agreement is terminated or amended as provided below, or the Term is extended pursuant to <br />Special Conditions, Attachment A. <br />3) Amendment: This Agreement may not be modified except in writing, signed by both Parties <br />hereto, and any attempt at oral modification of this Agreement shall be void and of no effect. <br />Any change in Project scope shall constitute an Amendment under this Agreement. <br />4) Project Liaison: Within thirty (30) days from the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Project <br />Sponsor shall notify the Air District of the Project Sponsor's Project Liaison and of the Liaison's <br />address, telephone number, and email address. The Project Liaison shall be the liaison to the Air <br />District pertaining to implementation of this Agreement and shall be the day-to-day contact about <br />the Project. All correspondence shall be addressed to the Project Liaison. The Project Liaison <br />shall notify the Air District of a change of Project Liaison or of the Liaison's contact information <br />in writing no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the change. <br />5) Notices: Any notice that may be required under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be <br />effective when received, and shall be given by personal service, by U.S. Postal Service first class <br />mail, or by certified mail (return receipt requested). Within thirty (30) days from the Effective <br />Date of this Agreement, the Parties shall inform the other Party of the addressee for notice. Each <br />TFCA Regional Fund Project 14823 Page 4 <br />