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File Number: 14-365 <br />In February 2014, the City of San Leandro submitted an application for the TFCA Regional <br />Funds for twenty-eight electronic bicycle lockers at the San Leandro BART station. The <br />BAAQMD Board of Directors approved and awarded the grant to the City of San Leandro in <br />June 2014. BAAQMD sent the City a proposed funding agreement and insurance <br />requirements for review and execution. The agreement sets forth the terms, conditions, and <br />recordkeeping requirements of the grant. Failure to execute and return the agreement will <br />subject the grant offer to cancellation. A fully executed agreement, signed by both the City as <br />a sponsor and the BAAQMD, constitutes final approval and obligation to fund on the part of <br />the BAAQMD. <br />Analysis <br />The City's partnership with BART to purchase and install Electronic Lockers at the San <br />Leandro BART station fully supports the 2010 Clean Air Plan. <br />The City and BART are committed to increasing the number of patrons who access the <br />station via non -motorized vehicular means, in order to help avoid construction of costly auto <br />parking spaces, increase ridership, reinforce the dedication to sustainability, promote fitness <br />and public health, and contribute to achieving regional goals to reduce traffic congestion and <br />greenhouse gas emissions. Providing plentiful and convenient bike parking is one of the <br />most effective tools the City and BART have to encourage as many passengers as possible to <br />bike to BART and to leave their bicycles at the station. As part of the BART Bicycle Plan, <br />BART has established a goal of doubling the share of BART passengers system -wide who <br />access stations by bicycle by 2022. <br />The San Leandro BART station is located near the heart of downtown San Leandro and is <br />easily accessible by bicycle from the business district and surrounding neighborhoods. The <br />most recent San Leandro station profile study (2008) indicated that its patrons bike to the <br />station less often than the system average (3% at San Leandro versus 4% system -wide). <br />There are currently 111 bike racks and 40 bicycle e -lockers at the San Leandro Station that <br />are filled on a regular basis. Adding more e -locker capacity to the station has great potential <br />to increase the number of patrons who will regularly bike to the station and help BART to work <br />towards achieving the goal of increasing the bicycle mode share. <br />With a letter of commitment from BART to partner with the City of San Leandro, including <br />collaborating with the City of San Leandro to place E -lockers in the BART station, maintaining <br />the E -lockers and providing adequate insurance throughout the project's 10 -year useful life, <br />the City of San Leandro is eager to proceed with the project by entering into the agreement <br />with BAAQMD. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />The City adopted a Complete Streets Policy to promote safe multi -modal transportation in the <br />City. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 9/9/2014 <br />