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B A R T SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT <br />300 Lakeside Drive, P.O. Box 12688 <br />Oakland, CA 94604-2688 <br />(510)464-6000 <br />August 12, 2014 <br />2014 <br />Uche Udemezue <br />Engineering and Transportation Director <br />Joel Keller City of San Leandro <br />PRESIDENT 835 East 14th Street <br />Thomas M. Blalock, P.E. San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />VICE PRESIDENT <br />Grace Crunican Dear Mr. Udemezue: <br />GENERAL MANAGER <br />CITY OFSEIA1Y LF <br />AUG 14 2,04 <br />ENG/TjR . <br />San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District ("BART") is pleased to partner with the City of <br />DIRECTORS <br />San Leandro ("City") on receiving funds from the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program <br />from Bay Area Quality Management District ("BAAQMD") to install twenty-eight Electronic <br />Gail Murray Bicycle Lockers ("E -Lockers") at the San Leandro BART station. This letter is to pledge full <br />IST DISTRICT commitment of BART to work alongside the City from the implementation stage to the end <br />2ND DIel STIRICT of project's useful life and to spell out responsibilities of both parties. <br />Rebecca Saltzman <br />3RD DISTRICT Upon entering an agreement with BAAQMD, the City as a leading sponsor and the City's <br />Robert Raburn, Ph.D. contractors shall be granted with a right of entry from BART to place twenty-eight E -Lockers <br />4TH DISTRICT at the San Leandro BART station. During this project implementation stage, City is <br />John McPartland responsible for purchasing the equipment and hiring consultants to place the E -Lockers at <br />5TH DISTRICT <br />locations agreed to by both BART and the City. Additionally, the City and consultants shall <br />Thomas M. Blalock, P.E. q <br />6TH DISTRICT assume three BAAQMD required insurances: Liability Insurance, Property Insurance, and <br />Zakhary Mallett, MCP Workers' Compensation Insurance. With BART's support, the City is the sole party to <br />7TH DISTRICT process the project reports and invoices to BAAQMD during and after the project <br />James Fang implementation stage. <br />8TH DISTRICT <br />TomRadulovich Upon completion of the implementation stage, the twenty-eight E -Lockers will be <br />9TH DISTRICT <br />transferred from the City to BART. From thereafter, BART shall be responsible for powering <br />and maintaining the E -Lockers and will assume BAAQMD's requirements for Liability <br />Insurance, Property Insurance, and Workers' Compensation Insurance for ten years that are <br />defined as the Project Useful Life. BART and the City will maintain all files and records from <br />the beginning of the project until three years after the ten-year Project Useful Life for <br />potential auditing purposes. <br />We look forward to continued collaboration with BAAQMD and the City to achieve our <br />common goals of increasing bicycle ridership and improving air quality. Please feel free to <br />contact me with any comments. <br />Sincerely, <br />Steve eroldo <br />Manager, Access Programs <br />Bay Area Rapid Transit District <br /> <br />