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File Number: 14-386 <br />The following recommendations on implementing San Leandro’s dispensary operator <br />selection program were directly informed by ICF’s experience implementing the <br />Massachusetts program. <br />Analysis <br />ICF conducted interviews with staff from the cities of Oakland and Berkeley to elicit feedback <br />and lessons learned from their recent experience developing and managing cannabis <br />dispensary application processes within their respective jurisdictions. Both cities used a <br />multi-phase application process based on the Merit-Based Application Process (MBAP), <br />which is an industry standard methodology that has been used extensively in other dispensary <br />selection processes. <br />The MBAP outlines a two-stage application with multiple component information areas. The <br />secondary components would be evaluated for applicants who have satisfactorily <br />demonstrated compliance with the primary components. The primary components are as <br />follows: <br />1.Business plan, including demonstrated experience <br />2.Neighborhood compatibility (which could include criteria for location selection, <br />conceptual facility designs, and a tentative implementation schedule) <br />3.Security plan <br />4.Environmental plan (which could include any planned green building practices) <br />5.Proof of capitalization <br />The secondary components are as follows: <br />1.Labor and employment practices <br />2.Environmental mitigation (including efforts to minimize off-site impacts) <br />3.Product safety <br />4.Community benefits <br />ICF proposes to utilize a single comprehensive application with four rounds of evaluation: <br />Determination of Eligibility, Initial Ranking, Second Ranking, and Final Candidate Interviews. <br />Each round is discussed briefly below. If necessary, additional information also could be <br />requested from applicants as they progress through the various rounds in order to assist in <br />the ranking process. <br />Round 1: Determination of Eligibility <br />Before their applications will be reviewed, all key members of the potential dispensary <br />operator’s team will be required to undergo a Live Scan and/or other relevant background <br />investigation. Applicants who pass the background investigation then will proceed to Round 2 <br />of the application process. <br />Round 2: Initial Ranking <br />As part of Round 2, applicants will be ranked based on their responsiveness to the primary <br />evaluation components outlined above. <br />A three-person review panel consisting of ICF subject-matter experts will review and evaluate <br />each application. The review panel will consider the quality and responsiveness of each <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/9/2014