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potential pedestrians and bicyclists with the intention to access the City's Open Space <br /> with the Bay Trail traversing it and the San Francisco Bay, all public resources. <br /> 6. The Planned Development Project includes adequate provisions for utilities, <br /> services, and emergency vehicle access; and that public service demands will not <br /> exceed the capacity of the existing and planned systems. <br /> The proposed project has been designed to generally meet emergency vehicle access <br /> requirements. The City and Alameda County Fire Department find the access to the site <br /> and internal circulation to be adequate for vehicular, pedestrian and emergency vehicle <br /> access. However, emergency vehicle access response time could be increased in the event <br /> the gates cause the queuing or back up of vehicles outside of them. A visitor mistakenly <br /> approaching the Bayfront Drive vehicle gate, for residents only, can cause a backup of <br /> vehicles until it completes a three point turn around or a U-turn and allows traffic to flow <br /> again. At the same, visitors in vehicles could be stacked at the Anchorage Drive gate, with <br /> the requirement to stop and use the telephone system. Tire spikes on the egress side of the <br /> street would restrict emergency vehicle access to the ingress side of the street. Delayed <br /> responses are possible even though the Knox Boxes are synchronized to open all three gates. <br />