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• <br /> BAAQMD FYE 2014 TFCA Funding Agreement <br /> documentation to support the Project reporting requirements set forth in Attachment C, and <br /> insurance documentation set forth in Attachment D (all of which comprise "Project Records"). <br /> Project Records shall also include documentation that verifies compliance with the requirements <br /> set forth in Section II.11 below. The Project Sponsor shall keep Project Records in one central <br /> location during for a period of three (3) years after the later of a) the date of the Air District's <br /> final payment, or b) the end of the Project Useful Life. The Project Sponsor shall submit the <br /> following reports to the Air District by the due dates specified in Attachment C: <br /> a. Semi-annual Report(s), and <br /> b. Final Report. <br /> 9) The Project Sponsor shall monitor the operational status of the Project for the Project Useful <br /> Life. The Project Sponsor shall notify the Air District in writing of any change in operational <br /> status of any portion of the Project within thirty (30) calendar days of its occurrence. For <br /> purposes of this Agreement, a "change in operational status" occurs whenever any portion of the <br /> Project is removed from active service, relocated outside the boundaries of the Air District, <br /> rendered inoperable, sold, or transferred to another entity, before full completion of the Project <br /> Useful Life. For service-based projects, a "change in operational status" occurs whenever there <br /> is a change in service level, routing, vehicle type, or vehicle uses. Failure to provide the required <br /> written notice of a change in operational status is a breach of this Agreement. <br /> If the Project Sponsor intends to make a change to the project the Project Sponsor may seek a <br /> modification of this Agreement in advance to allow for a change pursuant to Section IV.3. The <br /> Project Sponsor may not make any changes without the prior approval of the Air District. Failure <br /> to obtain prior approval is a breach of this Agreement. <br /> 10) The Project Sponsor will maintain the portions of the Project funded under this Agreement for <br /> the Project Useful Life and in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, and any Special <br /> Conditions included in the Project Specific Information(Attachment A). <br /> 11) The Project Sponsor shall acknowledge the Air District as a Project funding source at all times <br /> throughout the Project Useful Life. The Project Sponsor shall use, and require any third party that <br /> implements the Project to use the Air District's approved logo for the Project. The required <br /> documentation and materials are specified in Attachment C. <br /> 12) The Project Sponsor shall obtain and maintain throughout the Term of this Agreement the <br /> insurance coverage specified in Attachment D, "Insurance Requirements," and shall comply with <br /> all insurance requirements set forth therein, including the provision of documentation of said <br /> insurance coverage. Failure to obtain and maintain the insurance coverage and to comply with <br /> all insurance requirements is a breach of this Agreement. <br /> 13) To the extent not otherwise prohibited by law, and to the extent required by the California Public <br /> Records Act (Government Code section 6250 et seq.), the Project Sponsor shall place in the <br /> public domain any software, written document, or other product developed with TFCA funds as <br /> part of the Project and shall require recipients of Project funds, if any,to do the same. <br /> 14) The Project Sponsor shall use TFCA Regional Funds Awarded only for the implementation of a <br /> project that results in surplus motor vehicle emission reductions within the Air District's <br /> jurisdiction. Surplus emission reductions are those that exceed the requirements of applicable <br /> regulations or other legal obligations (including contracts) as of the Effective Date of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 15) The Project Sponsor shall comply with all Program requirements set forth in the Air District's <br /> "Board Adopted TFCA Regional Fund Policies and Evaluation Criteria for FYE 2014," which <br /> TFCA Regional Fund Project 14R23 Page 3 <br />