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BAAQMD FYE 2014 TFCA Funding Agreement <br /> Party shall promptly inform the other of any changes for notice. All correspondence shall <br /> reference the Project Number. <br /> 6) Survival of Terms: Any terms of this Agreement that by their nature extend beyond the term (or <br /> termination) of this Agreement shall remain in effect until fulfilled, and shall apply to both <br /> Parties' respective successors and assigns. Such terms include the requirements set forth in <br /> Sections II.7, II.8, II.9, II.10, II.11 and II.12. <br /> 7) Termination: <br /> A. Voluntary. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other <br /> Party. The notice of termination shall specify the effective date of termination, which shall <br /> be no less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of such notice. Notice shall <br /> be delivered as provided for in Section IV.5 above. If the Project Sponsor terminates this <br /> Agreement, the Project Sponsor shall not be entitled to the full amount of the TFCA Regional <br /> Funds Awarded. The Project Sponsor may retain or receive payment for that portion of the <br /> TFCA Funds to which they are entitled as well as all unpaid amounts due Project Sponsor <br /> that Air District has not paid, including but not limited to, those eligible costs on the Project <br /> incurred by Project Sponsor. <br /> The Air District will calculate the amount of funds to which the Project Sponsor is eligible by <br /> a) dividing the amount of the TFCA Regional Funds Awarded by the number of months of <br /> the Project Useful Life, and then, b)multiplying that amount by the number of full months of <br /> operation completed at the time the Agreement is terminated. If the Air District has paid the <br /> Project Sponsor more than the amount of funds to which the Project Sponsor is eligible, the <br /> Project Sponsor shall pay the funds owed to the Air District within thirty(30) days of the <br /> effective date of termination. <br /> If the Air District terminates this Agreement pursuant to this provision, any costs incurred on <br /> the Project following the effective date of termination shall be ineligible for reimbursement of <br /> TFCA funds, except costs for any work that the Air District has specified in the notice of <br /> termination the Project Sponsor may continue to perform for the specified period of time. The <br /> Air District will reimburse Project Sponsor for all eligible costs on the Project expended prior <br /> to the effective date of the termination. <br /> B. Breach. The Air District may terminate this Agreement for breach of any term of this <br /> Agreement. The Air District will deliver a written notice of breach that specifies the date of <br /> termination, which shall be no less than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of delivery of <br /> such notice. The notice will direct the Project Sponsor to cease all work immediately upon <br /> receipt of the notice, except as specifically provided for in the notice. In the alternative, or as <br /> provision of the notice of termination, the Air District may allow the Project Sponsor to cure <br /> the breach; in that instance, the notice shall specify the nature of the breach and the date by <br /> which such breach must be cured (the "Cure Period"). The notice of termination will specify <br /> the amount of the TFCA Regional Funds Awarded that the Air District has paid and the <br /> amount owed, if any, by the Project Sponsor to the Air District. The Project Sponsor shall <br /> reimburse any funds owed to the Air District prior to the effective date of termination. <br /> The Air District will calculate the amount of funds owed based on each month of the Project <br /> Useful Life that the Project Sponsor operated the Project prior to the breach. For example, if <br /> the Air District determines that the Project Sponsor breached this Agreement during the <br /> seventh month of operation of the Project that has a two-year Project Useful Life, the Air <br /> District will reimburse the Project Sponsor up to the amount of the TFCA Regional Funds <br /> Awarded that represents six months of operations. If the Parties have agreed to an alternative <br /> TFCA Regional Fund Project 14R23 Page 5 <br />