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File Number: 14-421 <br />projects (requests that build new facilities) be discussed with the City Manager prior to being <br />submitted. In any given year, the list will typically contain more than 100 requests. Requests <br />remain on the list indefinitely unless they are removed by the sponsoring department. <br />Initial Request Prioritization <br />The CIP Project selection process starts with the department heads acting as the CIP <br />Committee, rating each of the projects based on their individual opinion of the need and <br />benefit of the project to the City of San Leandro independent of the cost of the project. These <br />ratings are aggregated; producing a ranking of the requests. Follow-up meetings with the <br />Committee provide an opportunity for discussion and adjustment of the rankings. <br />Project Scoping and Estimating <br />The highest ranked projects from the CIP Committee list, typically the top 50 projects, are <br />assigned to Engineering and Transportation staff to prepare detailed scopes of work and cost <br />estimates. This process includes discussions with the requesting department to establish a <br />detailed scope of work, research of the project elements, and permitting that might be <br />required. This information is utilized to estimate all costs associated with delivering a <br />completed project. This exhaustive process requires a significant time commitment by staff, <br />requiring approximately 2 months alongside of their ongoing work. Public Works Services staff <br />also reviews the scopes of work and provides opinion as to the potential impacts on <br />maintenance costs required if the project is completed. <br />Prioritization by City Council <br />In a process similar to that of the CIP Committee, City Councilmembers are provided <br />information on the requested projects, again without project cost, and asked to provide ratings <br />of the need of each requested project. Once the results of the ratings are tabulated, a list in <br />ranked order is prepared. At a Council work session, Councilmembers have the opportunity to <br />discuss the projects and provide any feedback or adjust any ranking that might be needed. If <br />the Council moves a lower ranked project into the top 50, the cost estimates for the affected <br />projects are additionally prepared by staff. <br />Determination of Fund Availability and Fund Allocation <br />The Finance Department provides Engineering and Transportation staff with information <br />regarding available monies from each of the various funds. The November 2014 ballot <br />initiatives, if passed, will provide additional funds for proposed CIP or other unfunded City <br />programs. Each fund, with the exception of the General Fund, carries restrictions on the type <br />of projects for which the monies can be used. For example, Measure B Streets and Roads <br />Fund can only be used for improvements or maintenance within the street right of way, <br />whereas Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund provides funding for the City’s sanitary <br />sewer collection system and treatment plant. <br />In the fund allocation process, available funds are applied to the highest ranked projects until <br />the allocation is exhausted. Because projects only qualify for one or a select few funding <br />sources, it is not uncommon to have higher ranked projects skipped over and remain <br />unfunded, where a lower ranked project receives funds that it qualifies for. This has been <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/30/2014