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File Number: 14-450 <br />·Determine need, existing services and services gaps for homeless and those in <br />housing crisis; <br />·Identify resources to support development of an implementation plan; <br />·Ensure stakeholder involvement; and, <br />·Develop timeline and identify next steps to achieve mission. <br />The Task Force will bring a full report to the City Council later this year. However, three <br />immediate needs have been identified and action must be taken now in order to provide <br />needed services. Specifically, the Task Force recommends development of a pilot warming <br />center program this winter in order to provide emergency shelter on evenings when <br />temperatures fall below 40 degrees and on extremely wet evenings. The lead agency which <br />will be organizing the warming centers is BFWC. Details regarding the location of the <br />emergency shelter(s), services to be offered and outreach are still being developed. The <br />projected budget for this pilot program, which would operate November 2014 through March <br />2015, is up to $15,000. <br />The Task Force is also requesting $32,000 for an outreach coordinator who will manage the <br />implementation of the warming centers and provide outreach to the homeless, including <br />connecting the homeless with rapid rehousing and other resources. <br />Lastly, the Task Force is requesting $15,000 to enhance the Basic Needs Program that Davis <br />Street Family Resource Center currently administers. The existing comprehensive family <br />support services, which includes food, clothing, counseling, medical assistance, and case <br />management, will supplement the warming centers and other existing homeless services. <br />The City Council placed $150,000 in Community Assistance Grants in the FY 2014-15 budget <br />to keep the Building Futures with Women and Children San Leandro Shelter open and <br />operating. BFWC was successful in obtaining State funding for the shelter. The Task Force <br />recommends, and staff concurs, that $62,000 of these funds should be redirected to serve the <br />homeless as detailed above. A motion is included as a consent item should the Council <br />choose to redirect the funds accordingly. <br />A final report with recommendations from the Task Force will be forwarded to the City Council <br />later this year. Additional programs being considered include affordable housing assistance <br />for homeless, funding for a grant writer to apply for the $2 million in grant funds available in <br />FY 2014-15 from Alameda County Housing and Community Development to support rapid <br />rehousing, and matching grant funds for a Shelter Plus Care program. <br />It is important to note that a broader discussion of social services is recommended. Services <br />such as domestic violence prevention, mental health, food, and housing, should be a part of <br />this conversation. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />$62,000 of the $150,000 included in the FY 2014-15 budget (account number <br />010-14-010-8513) for support of the Building Futures with Women and Children San Leandro <br />Shelter would be redirected to support the three programs identified by the San Leandro <br />Homeless and Housing Task Force in need of immediate funding. $47,000 would be granted <br />to Building Futures for Women and Children for warming center operations and an outreach <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/14/2014