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File Number: 14-425 <br />The interim Board approved By -Laws on October 3, 2013. According to the By -Laws, the <br />Board of Directors will have between 9 and 25 members. At least two-thirds of the Directors <br />must be property owners within the District or representatives of property owners. The <br />remaining seats can be filled by "Community at Large" members. As an owner of property <br />within the District, it is appropriate for the City Council to nominate one of its members to <br />serve as a Director of the District. <br />Members of the Downtown San Leandro Community are eligible for nomination to the Board <br />of Directors based upon: <br />1. Their active participation with the corporation including its committees, task forces or <br />otherwise for a period of not less than one (1) year, and <br />2. Support for the policies and goals of the corporation. <br />The interim Board was formed to serve for the first year consistent with the By -Laws. In <br />November 2014, the first appointment of the Board of Directors will be made at the 2014 <br />Annual meeting based on nominations received prior to October 22, 2014. Nomination <br />packets were mailed to all property owners in the District in September. <br />It is appropriate at this time that the City Council consider the nomination of a Councilmember <br />to serve on the Board of Directors, and forward that nomination to the interim Board for <br />consideration at their annual meeting, scheduled for November 6, 2014. <br />Previous Actions <br />On July 15, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2013-102, approving the <br />creation of the Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District. <br />• On November 18, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2013-149 approving a <br />Management and Disbursement Agreement by and between the City of San Leandro and <br />the San Leandro Improvement Association. <br />On March 3, 2014 the City Council, by Minute Order No. 2014-003, nominated <br />Councilmember Cutter to serve on the Interim Board of the San Leandro Improvement <br />Association. <br />IGSi r_TO7 1Ly, 14zIII <br />• San Leandro Improvement Association Board Nomination Packet <br />PREPARED BY: Jeff Kay, Business Development Manager, Community Development <br />Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 10114/2014 <br />