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Board inembers can: axpeci to spend an average of 50 hours aYear: working on (WD business.. <br />If you are interested, *in, becoming amemberof the board of &W s of the'DOWntown SanLeandro <br />Community Benefit District, please take a moment to fill, out, the attached nominations farffi- You May <br />nominate yourself or another qualifying individual to the "board. The: selected nominees or candidates for <br />the open board seats will be voted in and announced at our Annual Elections 4riddingto be, held on <br />Thursday, November hhat.00 am. ini thelrustees.Roorb located At <br />3.85 Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro, California. <br />Schedule for Annual Election'Meetigg: <br />Noininatioh, Lewers Distributed: to Property Owners: <br />Xotninatio*!?s due to district staff. <br />Annual Elections Meeting Held - <br />September 9, 2014 <br />October 22, 2014 <br />Thursday,Novenibbir 6, 2014 <br />9:0.0am at <br />Trustees Room <br />San, Leandro Main Library <br />385 Estudillo Avenue <br />The. nominations are due in the Downtown San Leandro Association office at 101 Esttidillo. Avenue by <br />Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 4-00 p.m. Nominations received after that date, may not be considered <br />for selection to the board. Nominations may be dropped off or mailed to 101 Estudill Avenue, San <br />Leandro, CA 94577, or scanned, and e-mailed to <br />If you have any questions regarding this process, please call our Executive. Director, Rersin Gonzalez at <br />5 10-281-0703. Thank, you for your ongoing efforts to improve Downtown San Leandro for everyone <br />involved. <br />Sincerely, <br />00 <br />Robert JonLarry Allphin <br />Jones es <br />Secretary Interim Board President <br />