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ft <br />ARTICLE 3 <br />MEMBERSHIP <br />SECTION 1. NO MEMBERS <br />A) This Corporation shall have no members, as that term is defined in section 5056 of the <br />California Nonprofit Corporation Law. Unless otherwise provided herein or in the California <br />Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, any action which would otherwise require <br />approval by a majority of all members shall require only approval of the Board of Directors. <br />All rights which would otherwise vest in the members shall vest in the board of directors. <br />Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as limiting the right of the Corporation to refer <br />to persons associated with it, who participate in any activities of the Corporation, as <br />"members" even though such persons are not members, as defined in section 5056 of the <br />California Corporations Code. Such persons shall be deemed to be associated persons with <br />respect to the corporation as that term is defined in section 5332 of the California Nonprofit <br />Public Benefit Corporation Law, and no such reference shall constitute anyone a member of this <br />Corporation. <br />ARTICLE 4 <br />ELECTION OF DIRECTORS <br />SECTION 1. NOMINATION AND ELECTION <br />A) Not less than forty five (45) days before the date set forth for the Annual meeting of the <br />Directors, the President shall request that the Board appoint at least three (3) members as the <br />Nominating Committee which shall include the President and at least two of the Directors of the <br />Corporation to solicit nominees for consideration and election as Directors, and the names, so proposed, <br />shall be presented to the Board of Directors at its Annual meeting. <br />1. Any Director may, at such meeting, nominate any other qualified person(s) as <br />nominees for the Board. <br />2. The Nominations Committee shall mail nomination forms to all eligible property <br />owners consistent Article 4, Section 2 (b). The nomination forms shall be mailed out <br />at least 35 days prior to the date set for the Annual meeting. A due date of at least <br />10 days prior to the Annual Meeting date shall be stated as the deadline for <br />submitting nominations to the Nominations Committee; <br />3. The nominees, who have been deemed to be qualified, consistent with Article 4, <br />Section 2, shall be presented to the Board for consideration of appointment to the <br />Board at its Annual elections meeting. <br />2 <br />